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Sound Volume

The louder a sound, the more energy it has. This means loud sounds have a large amplitude. Think about what an amplifier does: it makes sounds louder. It is the amplitude that relates to how loud sound is.

Scroll down to related links and look at "Sound volume".

Acoustic energy is sound energy.

The definition of sound says that it is a disturbance of energy that comes through matter as a wave, and that humans perceive sound by the sense of hearing.

Sound pressure is the effect and sound power (energy) is the cause.

Scroll down to related links and look at "Sound pressure and Sound power - Effect and Cause".

But our eardrums are only sensitive to the sound pressure, and so are microphone diaphragms. Think of sound pressure level meters (SPL meters).

So better ask: What is sound pressure?

Scroll down to related links and look at "Sound pressure - Wikipedia".

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Q: What is the definition of sound volume?
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What is the scientific definition of the word volume?

the magnitude or intensity of a certain sound

What does amplified?

The official definition for the word amplified is "increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier."

What is definition of volume in simple words?

Volume may be the 'loudness' of a sound. It may also mean the amount of substance a container may hold or how much space an object occupies.

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Volume of a sound wave is equal to the what?

The amplitude of a sound wave is the same as its volume.

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volume is the space something takes up. so f you're talking about the math definition, then you do: lwh

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The difference between pitch and volume is pitch is tone, and what a sound is, and volume is how loud a sound is.

What does the word volume mean in sound?

"Volume" is a term referring to how loud a sound is to humans and animals. Most entertainment devices that use sound have a "Volume Control", typically labelled, "Volume". Volume is not quite the same as "Loudness", by the way.

What is the definition to the word volume in science terms?

the definition of volume is how much space an object takes up ..

How is the sound of volume measured?

Answer is by sound waves

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Definition of volume: 1 - a book part of a series example Vol. 1, Vol. 2, etc. 2 - units of volume of space example cubic centimetres 3 - a mass or quantity example volume of mail 4 - amount example volume of sales 5 - sound intensity example volume of music

What is the objective of 150w audio amplifier?

To make low volume sound into HIGH volume sound.