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i don't really have a full detailed description but I remember there were tall buildings and fireworks every night and everyone was always partying. People would also take hot air balloon rides and jump off buildings with bungee jackets.

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Q: What is the description of new pretty town in the book pretties?
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Where do Middle Pretties live in Uglies?

Middle Pretties in "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld live in the city of New Pretty Town, which is separate from Uglyville where the protagonist Tally lives. New Pretty Town is a luxurious and advanced city reserved for those who have undergone the Pretty surgery.

What does the smoke and new pretty town have in common in the book uglies?

In the book "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld, both the smoke and the new pretty town represent two different ways of living and societal structures. The smoke is a rebellious community living outside the mainstream society, challenging the ideals of beauty and conformity. The new pretty town, on the other hand, symbolizes the superficiality and artificial perfection that the characters in the book strive for.

What is 3 charactoristics of pretties?

S E FORMAT E The first characteristic of my novel the Pretties is the tittle. For example PRETTIES is the name of the PRETTIE town, everyone in the town are PRETTIE. The tittle explains the main key in my book the PRETTIES it explains the setting and describes the teenagers in the town of PRETTIES. This is one characteristic of my novel PRETTIES the town and the teenagers, a main descriptive word used in the book. The second characteristic of my novel would be the plot graph. For example there is a setting- PRETTIE town, then the turning point- Zane and Tally find out about the mysterious letter, then the rising action-finding the letter, next the climax- lives get put at risk, the falling action is next- the fight against the letter, then the rising action- getting the the letter. All of these plots are in your book and there is an answer for each plot the Setting, Turning Point, Rising action, Climax, Falling Action, and once again the Rising Action. These plots take a part in my book. This is my second characteristic of my novel the PRETTIES. The Third characteristic of my book is the tittle for the chapters. For example chapter 1 is called criminal At the setting of the Valentino Mansion a crime happened when someone wasn't wearing a fancy or comfortable piece of clothing. This was a crime in PRETTIE town because the government states you have to be dressed formal for a party. This is my third characteristic of my book PRETTIES. By: Jaimie Tufford

Is the town in the Uglies book called uglyville?

No, the town in the "Uglies" book series by Scott Westerfeld is actually called "Uglyville." It is where the characters reside before they undergo surgery to become "Pretties."

What does New Pretty Town look like from the descriptions in Uglies Pretties and Specials?

New Pretty Town is described as a place filled with pristine and futuristic architecture, vibrant colors, and extravagant parties. The people there appear flawless and perfectly groomed, with exaggerated features and bright, colorful wardrobes. The landscape is manicured and organized, creating a sense of order and beauty in every aspect of the town.

What is the exposition of the book Pretties?

The exposition of the book "Pretties" by Scott Westerfeld introduces readers to a futuristic world where individuals undergo extreme cosmetic and neurological enhancements to be accepted into a society obsessed with physical beauty. The protagonist, Tally Youngblood, has recently undergone this transformation and is living in the city of New Pretty Town. The story explores the consequences of striving for perfection and conformity in such a society.

When was Anyone lived in a pretty how town created?

Anyone lived in a pretty how town was created in 1940.

What is the duration of Anyone lived in a pretty how town?

The duration of Anyone lived in a pretty how town is 360.0 seconds.

What is a summary of the book UGlies?

"Uglies" is a young adult novel by Scott Westerfeld set in a future dystopian society where everyone undergoes extreme cosmetic surgery at age 16 to become "Pretties." The story follows Tally Youngblood as she navigates the societal pressures and discovers the dark secrets behind the operation. The book explores themes of beauty, identity, and conformity.

From Janet Shaw's description this town was built?

in a valley.

What are Tally's David's and Shay's traits from the Uglies?

Tally is determined, impulsive, and adventurous. David is loyal, caring, and brave. Shay is rebellious, independent, and confident.

What was the town name in the book Shiloh?

The town name in the book "Shiloh" is Friendly, West Virginia.