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Q: What is the device that turns a needle in a galvanometer?
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The device that turns a needle in a galvanometer is called an electromagnet?


True or false The device that turns a needle in a galvanometer is called an electromagnet.?


What is tangent galvanometer?

T.G is a device used for determination of the horizontal component of the magnetic field of the earth,and the internal resistance of T.G T.G consists of : 1-coil of wire of many turns(2 to 500) 2-small magnetic needle at the center of the coil 3-box of resistants

A device that indicates the presence of an electric current is?

a galvanometer

What is galvalometer?

i think this is galvanometer so galvanometer is a device which detect the current as well as it measure small amount of current

How galvanometer measures the charge?

A galvanometer is like a small DC motor with a spring to stop it from rotating all the way around. The greater the voltage the stronger = further the "motor" pulls the needle.

Does a galvanometer transform electrical energy into mechanical energy?

A galvanometer is an instrument that is used to measure current or voltage. It can have a mechanical movement, ie a needle that moves round a scale, or it can be digital as many are now.

How do you convert galvanometer to ohmmeter?

Ohms are the unit of measurement for resistance, so an ohmmeter is a device that measures electrical resistance. A galvanometer measures the current flowing through the resistance, so the two are related. To convert a galvanometer into an ohmmeter, one needs an external battery.

Does a galvanometer have a linear readout?

They try to make galvanometers so that a linear increase in current results in equal angular displacement of the needle.

Why needle of tangent galvanometer move by increasing and decreasing current?

The galvanometer is oriented so that the plane of the coil is vertical and aligned along parallel to the horizontal component He of the Earth's magnetic field (i.e. parallel to the local "magnetic meridian"). When an electrical current flow through the galvanometer coil, a second magnetic field H is created. At the center of the coil, where the compass needle is located, the coil's field is perpendicular to the plane of the coil. These two perpendicular magnetic fields add vertically, and the compass needle points along the direction of their resultant He + H. The current in the coil causes the compass needle to rotate by an angle\ \theta.

What is coil galvanometer meter and its application?

Moving coil galvanometre is a device which is used to detect current in a curcuit.

What is a device that has a magnetized needle that can spin freely?

A compass has a magnetized needle that can spin freely.