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They didn't have them then

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Q: What is the difference between 1940's and today's microwave?
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Related questions

What is the difference between soccer in the 1940s and soccer of now?

Soccer in the 1940s was Bord but now thre's more fun. "And better soccer balls".

What are some similarities between life in the 1940s and now?

Julia Gillard is the difference there used to be a good aussie government

What were some of the major inventions of the 1940s?

The radar, jet aircraft, Slinky, Jeep, television, Velcro, microwave oven, and Frisbee were the main ones.

The age of imperalism was primarily between which years?

From the late 19th century to 1940s.

What food did they have in the 1940s?

all food in the '40's' was just as good as todays'! only, they didn't really have any kind of freezer system. In alot of ways the "mothers" of that era were better cooks- just because they HAD to be, plus there was rationing!

What were the kids born between late 1940s and early 1960's called?

The baby boomers.

Which desert expanded by 251000 square miles between 1940s and 1990s?

The Sahara - and it continues to expand today.

Why did scientists think the world was experiencing global cooling between the 1940s and 1970s?

Pollution was blocking sunlight.

When did the first computer create?

in the 80's . First electronic computers made in the 1940s.

What was the name of the r in the 1940s?

there is a special name for an eara in the 1940s it is ragtime

What is something that starts with a j in the 1940s?

jet aircraft mass production began in the 1940s

What was the most popular car in the 1940s?

The michel Wise was the most popular car in the 1940s