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ADSL is simply a version or 'flavour' of DSL. The 'a' refers to asymmetric, meaning 'not the same'. Hence, ADSL usually has different downstream and upstream rates (e.g. 1536/256 is a common speed of ADSL available in Australia, where downstream the link speed is 1536kbps and upstream is 256kbps).

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Q: What is the difference between DSL and ADSL?
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What is the difference between ADSL and HDSL?

Speed is the difference between HDSL and ADSL. HDSL has high upload and download speeds whereas ADSL has a slow upload speed coupled with a high download speed.

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Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)

What is DSLAM?

Digital Service Line Access Multiplexer.It's the box in the exchange that connects between the telephone system and your Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), usually Asynchronous DSL (ADSL).

What is the comparison between ADSL and Broadband?

Speed, mainly. Broadband (cable internet) is going to be much faster than DSL.

What is the difference between broadband and DSL internet if any?

DSL is considered to be broadband speed. There is a difference in speed between DSL and Cable. Cable is generally much faster.

Which types of dsl provide higher transmission rates on downstream connections that on upstream connections?

Asymmetric dsl (ADSL) Rate-adaptive DSL (RADSL)

What is the most commonly used dsl technology?

adslIt's ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line).Typically, ADSL (Asynchronous DSL).There may also be SDSL (Synchronous DSL), but this is not used in most of the US anymore.There is also GDSL and FoDSL. These are very rare.