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For Jehovah's Witnesses, 'TRUTH' is very important.

While other religions take a more liberal view, believing there are 'many roads which lead to the same place'; Jehovah's Witnesses put much emphasis on 'truth'; and we differentiate 'truth' from 'lies / deception'.

Regardless if it's 'politically correct' or not, we are always telling people that we feel we have 'the Truth' when it comes to The Bible.

This is seen regarding many Bible teachings. We view the Trinity as a lie & deception. We view 'eternal torment' as a lie & deception. Therefore we differentiate between 'true religion' and 'false religion'.

We might refer to Christmas as a prime example of our adherence to 'truth'. While it might not seem to matter to others, Jehovah's Witnesses avoid deception & lies.

Everyone knows that there are so many things about Christmas that are 'lies'.

For example: 1) Santa:

People from other religions seems to feel that it's OK to deceive little children by telling them that Santa brings gifts. Parents start the lie; but other relatives join in; older siblings, uncles, even grandparents participate in promoting the deception about Santa, knowing full-well that it's 'all-a-lie'. Even their religion, by doing nothing to teach their flock how wrong it is, are actually promoting the lie; and implying that it's OK.

2) The Date (Dec 25): Everyone knows that Jesus was NOT born on Dec 25, nor anywhere close to the month. Newspapers regularly report on this. But to the majority it does not seem to matter. To Jehovah's Witnesses, truth matters; likewise 'deception' in it's various forms - matters.

3) The Origin: While newspapers often also relay the truth that the origins of Christmas and it's various customs find their beginnings in pagan (non-Christian) peoples; this does not seem to matter to most religions. They simply appease themselves by conveniently calling it 'Christ'-mas; thinking that attaching a Bible word to it makes it acceptable to God. To Jehovah's Witnesses, origins do matter. We feel it is abhorrent to Jehovah God, that people borrow practices and beliefs from pagans, and attach the name of God's most beloved Son to it; thinking there is no deception involved.

This serves as a prime example, that Jehovah's Witnesses really do put a high value on 'truth'. We would ask: What are the chances that someone who is so meticulous about truth regarding Christmas / Easter / Halloween, etc ; would be flagrant regarding other Bible teachings (ie Trinity, eternal torment)? Likewise we would ask: What are the chances that those who zealously promote the lies about Christmas; what are the chances they really promote the truth about other Bible teachings?

We feel these are the ramifications others have placed upon themselves. Therefore with all clear conscience we can proclaim that we promote only 'truth'; that we abhor lies & deception; and that we stay as far away as possible from such deceptions.

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Q: What is the difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions regarding Christmas?
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