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A feature article is supposed to highlight an interesting aspect of human life. For example, a cancer Survivor, someone who has climbed Mount Everest, etc. In other words it is a story that is meant to catch a reader's attention. This type of story is also very factual. There is very little or no room for editorializing, or trying to persuade the reader to do something.

On the other hand an editorial is a persuasive piece designed to make the reader think or to do something. This doesn't have to be a human interest story. This is usually more intellectual and has numerical facts or quotes that back up the writers opinion, which is what the article is based on.

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1mo ago

A feature article is a detailed piece that explores a specific topic, often with research and interviews, aiming to inform or entertain readers. On the other hand, an editorial expresses the opinion or stance of the publication on a particular issue and often reflects the views of the editorial board or editor-in-chief.

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if i know why would i question you guys

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Q: What is the difference between a feature article and an editorial?
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