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A lifestyle disease is a disease caused by the way you live, (eg:obesity through eating to much, Heart disease from smoking or living with too much stress etc)

Other diseases are caused by viruses & bacteria (germs)

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Q: What is the difference between a lifestyle disease and other diseases?
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What is the difference between lifestyle disease and hereditary disease?

lifestyle diseases are a result of a bad lifestyle, heriditary diseases are also a result of a bad lifestyle but heredity plays a part in whether u get the disease

What is the difference between infecctious and non-infectiousn disease?

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens that can be passed between people, while non-infectious diseases cannot be transmitted. Noninfectious diseases are generally contracted through lifestyle choices (food, sleep patterns, lack of good nutrition, etc), genetics, or environment.

What are the lifestyle diseases?

Lifestyle diseases are conditions caused by the way you live, rather than by infections or viruses. For instance, obesity is considered a lifestyle disease, as is type II diabetes. Some would also consider alcoholism and drug addiction to be lifestyle diseases, though it depends on your definition of the word disease.

What are the Similarities between infectious and lifestyle diseases?

An infections disease is a sickness you can catch (or give to) other people. The flu and chicken pox are examples of infections diseases. Lifestyle diseases are sicknesses you cannot get or give to other people. You get lifestyle diseases from unhealthy lifestyle (little exercise, too much unhealthy food, etc.). Examples of lifestyle diseases are type two diabetes and gout.

How are lifestyle diseases developed?

This depends on what you refer to as a lifestyle disease as they could ranged from diabetes to STDs to heart disease. Non-STDs typically result from a lack of exercise and improper diet.

How many diseases are affected by lifestyle?

The United States Centers for Disease Control estimate that over 80% of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes

What kind of lifestyle diseases is connected to nutrition?

heart disease and diabetes are the two that come to my mind quickly.

What is the most common lifestyle disease?

A lifestyle disease is a disease you are not born with but is resulted in risk factors eg smoking, drink driving, lack of exercise, poor diet, etc. For eg Diabetes is not usually a lifestyle disease though Diabetes TYPE 2 is. Also Skin Cancer is and a lot of other cancers aren't

Can leprosy be caused by lifestyle choices?

Leprosy is not caused by lifestyle choices. Leprosy is a contagious disease that affects the skin. Contagious diseases aren't caused by lifestyle choices, however the person may be at higher risk.

What age does lifestyle diasese occur?

Lifestyle diseases can occur at any age, but they are more commonly associated with adults due to poor lifestyle choices over time. Factors such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to the development of lifestyle diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Making healthy lifestyle choices early on can help prevent the onset of these diseases.

What disease can happens whether you have been exposed to a disease or not?

Genetic diseases are not transmitted by contact with someone else who has the disease. Diseases of lifestyle choice are not contracted by contact with any infectious agent either (i.e. diabetes caused by being overweight, sedentary, and improper diet).

What are some lifestyle diseases?

Cancer is very much a big life style disease but also heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, lung cancer and AIDS