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Fryers are 8-10 weeks old, and roasters are 3-5 months old.

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Q: What is the difference between a roster chicken and a chicken for frying?
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what is the difference between roster method and rule method

What is the difference between a chicken and a roster?

a rooster is like a ram or a mayor but in this case the boy chicken that looks after the hens

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Does the chicken need the roster to reproduce?

YES they reproduce sexually just like humans do

How do you tell the difference between a roster and a hen from looking at their feathers?

Roosters have larger tail feathers and are usually a bit more colourful than hens.

When does a chicken hatch?

After twenty-one days after the hen has laid the egg that the roster has fertilized the egg will hatch.

What is the main difference between Smack Down and Raw?

The roster of the WWE superstars that is on each show. Besides that, the day of the week is different as well. Raw is on Monday, and Smack Down is on Friday.

How much chicken feed should you feed one roster daily?

two hand full of chicken feed once day or u can give your chicken pig feed and u will see what happens Yolu should try and keep a feeder full and there at all times he will begin to be more healthy and you will see a difference don't do what the person above said only two hand fulls and he would die of starvation

Is the weight of a baseball different between the National league and the American league?

no... the only difference between American and national league is that there is a DH in the roster for American league and the pitcher doesnt bat in American league... other than that it is exactly the same

Which animal live in a pen?

2 of those,a roster,and a chicken...

Difference between Vector graphics and roster graphics?

Raster graphics are stored as pixels, vector graphics are stored as geometric primitives. Images of the latter type can, in principle, be scaled infinitely, and pixelization will not occur.

What are the NFL roster sizes during preseason?

Somewhere between 60 and 70.