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Lions have manes, and aren't striped. Tigers are striped.

Tigers is more agile, powerful, muscular, and longer than a lion. Tigers have a wider skull and longer teeth than lion, so they have more bite force. Tigers have heavier and more muscular legs and larger paws to attack enemies and prey.

AnswerThere are many people knowing worldwide that tiger is bigger. However, Frank Mendel, a famous cat expert, says the lion is longer. Reports do not support the notion that tigers are larger. The largest cat ever founded was a male American lion. American lions died about 10000 years ago, but archaeologists had rebuilt the skeleton of American lion, and by their surprise, American lion was bigger than any modern cat. It is true that modern tigers are biggest cats but possibly the biggest cat was American lion. Cave lions, however, were the size of a liger. some archaeologists, say that this lion or lioness could take on 700 kg bison by itself.

Since tigers are the biggest cat today, there could be skeletons of tigers, that are bigger than the skeleton of the American lion that they haven't found yet.

AnswerTigers are the ones with stripes, and lions are the big furry ones like on The Lion King. Tigers are the biggest cats, and the lion is the second biggest. AnswerThey are kinda the same, because they are big cats.

Tigers have longer, stockier bodies. Lions stand a bit taller at the shoulder.

Tigers have more powerful legs, and are more agile. Lions roar louder, and live in groups.

A lion is longer, and taller, not by much, and it is also faster and lighter then a tiger.

Tigers have stripes while lions do not. Tigers are solitary, while lions live within a pride.

Male lions have a mane, unlike male tigers.


The difference between lion and tiger is that lion is social African cat. The tiger is solitary Asian cat. Lions live on the open plains while tigers live in dense jungles. Siberian tigers are bigger. Tigers are orange with black stripes while lions are golden-sandy coloured with faint rosettes on their legs. A male lion has a large mane, engulfing its neck and chest. A lion's mane can say a lot about the lion. The darker the mane, the healthier the lion.
The differences are as follows,

  • Tiger evolved in Asia and lion in Africa were there is difference of habitats
  • Tigers have difference in their body size compared to lion.
  • Tigers have stripes but lion do not have stripes
  • Lions have mane but tigers do not have mane
  • A slight difference in DNA
  • Tigers evolved later than lions
  • Social behavior of both the cats

they both hunt for there food
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10y ago

Tigers have stripes, while lions are a tawny buff color. Male lions have a mane, while tigers have a ruff of fur around the face. Tigers are longer, more muscular, and are usually heavier than lions. Lions stand a little taller at the shoulder. Tigers legs are heavier, and they are more agile than lions. Tigers are without a doubt more aggressive than lions, and in hybrids between the two the tiger gene is dominant. Lions live in groups called prides, but the tiger is for the most part a solitary hunter.

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12y ago

Tigers are different from lion in the following ways-

  • tigers live in forests whereas lions live in grasslands.
  • lions live in pride whereas tigers live alone.
  • tigers weigh up to 320 kg whereas lions weigh up to 250 kg.
  • lions can run at a top speed of 35mph whereas tigers can run up to 40mph.
  • tigers have strips but lions have manes but no strips.

By agasthyakrishna

std 8th

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A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. The opposite (male tiger/female lion) is called a tiglon.

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A liger is is a cross between a male lion and a tigress. Although half lion and half tiger, the tiger parent appears to be dominate. Ligers have stripes, and lack manes in males.

What is a tigon?

The cross between a Tiger and a Lion. I think it is technically a Tiger (male) and a Lionness (female) that make that subspecies, though I may be thinking of a Liger. The Liger is a cross-breed between a MALE lion & a FEMALE tiger.

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