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Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder. It is usually genetic. The body cannot make certain proteins needed for proper clotting of the blood. So even a small wound can present a major risk of bleeding to death, and patients with this have to be given the missing proteins so their blood will clot. Only the blood is affected, not the person's IQ, appearance, nor abilities.

Down syndrome is a chromosome disorder, where there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. It causes physical and mental retardation, and people with it usually have a certain appearance. Sometimes those born with this can be trained to function on their own and live almost ordinary lives, but most require special care.

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Q: What is the difference between down syndrome and hemophilia?
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Is there any connection between hemophilia and Down syndrome?

There is no connection other than they both result from genetics mutations.

What is the difference between a kid with Down syndrome and a kid without Down syndrome?

downs syndrome is a a chromosome abnormality in which their is an extra copy of the 21st chromosome causing the person to have a flatter face slanted eyes and a mental handicap.

Difference between the chromosomes of a person with Down syndrome and a person without Down syndrome?

An individual with Down Syndrome has the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome.

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Down syndrome is a polyploidy (three chromosome 21s)and is considered to be a somatic disorder. The other three are genetic because they are present in the form of a defective allele on achromosome.

What are two genetic diseases besides Down syndrome?

Hemophilia Sickle-Cell Anemia Cystic Fibrosis for a fuller list look in the related link below.

What is different between typical brain wave and Down syndrome brain wave?

A down syndrome brainwave is not as strong, because people with down syndrome are missing there 21st chromosome.

What is the relationship between trisomy 21 and Down syndrome?

Trisomy 21 is down's syndrome, which is an extra copy of chromosome 21

What are 2 examples of genetic diseases?

# They are SO numerous: Angelman's syndrome, Huntington's Disease, Hemophilia, Turner Syndrome, Tay-Schs disease, sickle cell anemia, Praeder-Willi Syndrome, neurofibromatosis, Klinefelter syndrome, phenylketonuria, Down's Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, celiac disease, color blindness, cri du chat, Canavan disease, Duchenne muscular distrophy, Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, achondroplasia and many, many more.

How the karyotypes of klinefelter syndrome differ from the normal karyotypes?

The karyotype of a person with Down Syndrome differs from a normal karyotype because it contains a three chromosomes in the 21st slot, where there should only be a pair of two. That is why this is called Trisomy 21.

What is the difference between Down syndrome and mental retardation?

Mental retardation is a side effect of Down Syndrome. Down syndrome or trisomy 21 (or Down's Syndrome in British English) is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra Twenty-first chromosome. Children with Down syndrome tend to share certain physical features such as a flat facial profile, an upward slant to the eyes, small ears, a single crease across the center of the palms, and an enlarged tongue. A doctor can usually tell if a newborn has the condition through a physical exam. Down Syndrome also causes mild to moderate mental retardation.

Is there any connection between Down syndrome and Bathmophobia?

First off, bathmophobia is the fear of deep places or looking into them. No, there is no association with Down syndrome and this specific phobia.

How many human genetic disorders are known?

Some disorders are sickle-cell anemia, Down syndrome, & hemophilia.