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hyperkinetic disease is paying kinect on Xbox 360 and hypokinect is playing kinect on xbox 360 with friends

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Q: What is the difference between hyperkinetic disease and Hypokinetic disease?
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What are hyperkinetic conditions?

heart disease

What is a hypokinetic disease?

Charactirized by associated with, or caused by, decreased motor activity.AnswerDiseases caused by lack of activity.

What is the difference between plague and disease?

Plague is one form of infectious disease.

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Disease is any change from a state of health; impaired body function.

Is Parkinson's disease is marked by hypo-kinetic or hyper-kinetic symptoms?

parkinson's is marked by hypokinetic symptoms, that lead to muscle rigidity and difficulty initiating movements.

What is the difference between disease disease?

Every disease is an illness but not every illness is a disease (A disease is not a virus, parasite, etc but an illness could be)

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The difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can be a carrier of the HIV virus and not contract the disease but you can infect others.

Is there any difference between coronary heart disease and coronary artery disease?

No. They are synonymous terms.

What is the Difference between cytopathology and histopathology?

Cytopathology is the study of cell disease, and hiostopathology the study of tissue disease.

Is there any difference between kidney disease and kidney failure?

Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.

What is the difference between disease incidence and disease severity?

The incidence of disease is how frequent or widespread a disease is in the population. Severity is how bad and serious any particular disease is in a person.

What is the difference between vaccination and medication?

Vaccination is used to prevent a disease and medication is used to treat a disease that someone has.