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During the 1700's, near the beginning of the Revolutionary War in which America became an independent country, the American peoples were split apart into two groups: The Loyalists and Patriots. The Loyalists wanted to remain loyal to their mother country, Britain, because they believed that they still needed Britain's finiancial and miliatry aide, since America was still an undeveloped country. When the Revolutionary war was propsed, the Loyalists decided against it because they had a small and untrained army, which was not much more than a militia, and no navy. (America later depended on France for naval support, especially in the defeat of General Burgoyne). The Patriots, however, were for the idea of breaking all ties with Britain. Most of the reasons for the Patriots outcry for war can be traced back to King George III. In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers created a section that listed all the wrongs done by the king. Most of the original founders of the American country were British exiles, so they had plenty of hate toward the king. During the Revolutioanry war, the patriots forced many of the loyalists to go back to Britain by burning their homes and farms and stirring up public dislike towards them. The patriots were the ones who fought against Britain int eh Revolutionary war.

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Q: What is the difference between patriots and loyalists from the 1700?
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England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

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England went to war with the Patriots in the 1700's because of the protests over the Stamp Act and other taxes levied on the Patriots

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