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Q: What is the difference between seborrhea dermatitis and psoriasis?
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Is psoriasis a communicable disease?

Not at all...It is an auto immune disease which means it can be caused by disorders in the immunological system of your body and few cases can be hereditary too. The cause for this immunological change is still not clearly defined but stress ,excess alcohol consumption, viral infection, etc are found to be associated with it. Dr.M Khan Sherief

What is the difference between ulcers dermatitis?

An ulcer is an open sore internally or externally caused by the failure of skin or a mucous membrane to heal. Dermatitis is when an irritant causes the skin to become red, swollen, and sore.

How do you get rid of seborrhea naturally?

Well, there are few ways you could cure it naturally. If you have a mild condition it will typically resolve with the addition of fish oil, biotin, b-complex, zinc, and selenium. However, more severe cases of Sebhorreic Dermatitis will require further investigation.

What is the difference between eczema and atopic dermatitis?

Psoriasis normally affects areas in between fingers,elbows,backs of knees and is a white scaley itchy rash.Ezcema is a red,raised lesion that spreads the more you scratch it.It can become weepy but usually has dry flakey appearance.

Where can I learn more about the causes of psoriasis?

The cause of psoriasis remains largely a mystery. But it's likely that the interplay between genes and triggers is a big part of the story. Researchers believe that psoriasis develops when something mistakenly triggers the immune system. And in psoriatic arthritis -- psoriasis that affects the joints -- both genetics and environmental factors seem to play a role.

What is the link between psoriasis and mental illness?

There is a link between mental illness and psoriasis. "An August 2010 study published in the journal Archives of Dermatology found that those living with psoriasis have a 39 percent increased risk of being diagnosed with depression than those without the disease, while the risk of an anxiety diagnosis is 31 percent higher." Those dealing with the pain of psoriatic arthritis have a greater risk of depression problems. Stress is a factor in both depression and psoriasis.

What is scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis can be identified by red, itchy, scaly skin. The flaking of the skin can range between light white flaky patches, similar to dandruff, and brown think scaly patches. For more information about Scalp Psoriasis, view

Is there any relationship between psoriasis and dementia?

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin redness and irritation...Dementia is a progressive and degenerative disorder of the brain characterized by multiple cognitive deficits that include impairment in memory...

Is Psoriasis dominant or recessive?

I don't really know but i can tell you this fact: my grandma has psoriasis, my grandpa didn't have psoriasis...none of their children had psoriasis but I (a grandchild) have psoriasis and I'm the only grandchild who inherited, i suppose it is recessive. I believe that if both parents have psoriasis then it's a 50/50 probability for their child to have psoriasis... I read in a newspaper that in a small village more than 50% of the people have psoriasis - that's because they married between them, person suffering from psor with person suffering from psor.

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What is the relationship between hypothyroidism and psoriasis?

First off, i´m not a doctor but i can tell you from experience that once I started treating my type 2 hypothyroidism (something many doctors think does not exist), my severe psoriasis basically has gone away. I had patches on my feet, knees, wrists and head. It´s all just about gone. So if you have psoriasis you may want to have a rigorous test of your thyroid hormones.