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Q: What is the dividing a state into odd-shaped election districts to benefit a particular party or group?
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The process of gerrymandering refers to?

Gerrymandering is the process of dividing areas into election districts with the goal of giving one political party majority in more districts. The process was named for E. Gerry who was governor of Massachusetts in 1812.

Most election districts in the US are?

multiparty districts

Which political term means to divide a geographic area into voting districts that give an unfair advantage to one party in elections?

I think you are thinking of Gerrymandering, but there's more to it. It's not just dividing a geographic area but dividing it into totally absurd shapes to attain the unfair advantage. Former Vice President Elbridge Gerry was the first person accused of doing so. They said that some of the congressional districts he came up with were shaped like salamanders. Gerry + salamander = Gerrymander.

Most election districts in the United States are?

single member districts

By who are election districts for state legislatures and US House of Representatives determined by?

The election districts for each state legislature and the United States House of Representatives are determined by the state legislature in each individual state. The election districts are drawn every 10 years.

When is the districts house seat up for election?

Every 2 years. So it will be 2018 when the next election takes place.

Who promised to support free election in certain districts of Germany?

Joseph Stalin

Which of the following is the best definition of gerrymander?

A gerrymander is an oddly shaped district design to increase the voting strength of a particular party. The name comes from salamander-shaped districts drawn up the influence of one Elbridge Gerry , a governor of Massachusetts. As a verb it means to draw up gerrymander districts. Gerrymandering tends to occur after each census which changes the number of Congressional districts in a state. States also need to change their own legislative distrcts from to time to time due to shifts in population and the new districts may be gerrymandered to help the party in power. The idea is to study past voting records and create as many districts as possible with a slight but solid majority for the controling party. It may be necessary to have some "lost" districts to which as many opposing voters as possible are placed.

Redistricting power was abused creating congressional districts of unequal power and by what?

gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing districts in a way that benefits a particular political party or group. This can involve packing voters of one party into a single district to reduce their influence in other districts, or cracking voters of one party across multiple districts to dilute their voting power. Gerrymandering undermines the principle of equal representation and can lead to distorted election outcomes.

What refers to the way in which states redraw election districts based on the changing number of people in them?

Gerrymandering is the term for realigning districts based upon population figures

Does Maricopa county have 8 legislative districts?

Maricopa County in Arizona has a total of 30 legislative districts. All of them were adopted on January 17, 2012 for the 2012 Fall election.

What is the major reason for the persistence of the American two-party system?

The existence of single-member election districts