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James Madison, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson were the politicians urging the colonies to act as a single unit in the quest for freedom from England.

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Q: What is the driving economic force behind british interest in the American colonies?
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How did the American colonies compete with the British economic power?

Because The French Helped Them Win Agenst Britsh

How did the British cause economic hardships for the colonies?

The 13 colonies were scared the British navy were surrounding them.

British motives for protecting Latin American states?

because they wanted to. i don't have a clue maybe it was because of mineral and economic gains.

Did the british outlaw slavery in the colonies?

If you mean the American colonies (there were others) the answer is no.

What was the principle root of the American colonies conflict with the british government?

the colonies paid tax to british but had no repersenatives there

What caused the British government to take more interest in the American colonies?

There were several factors that all worked together to draw Britain's attention to the American colonies. The first factor was France and Spain's withdraw from the American colonies, leaving Britain as the only control. The thirteen colonies between South Carolina and Main had also grown in trade and economy. The colonies had also developed urban centers and large populations, this meant that the colonies had a strong economy and society independent from the British government which drew Britain's attention.

Which historical event most likely shaped the cultural values of British society in the 1700s?

American colonies' break from British rule

Why did the British occupy Philadelphia?

The British occupied Philadelphia during the American Revolutionary War as it was the political and economic center of the colonies. Capturing the city would disrupt the Continental Congress and potentially weaken the American cause. Additionally, controlling Philadelphia gave the British a strategic advantage in the region.

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

What was the British policy of not enforcing British law in American colonies?

Salutary neglect

How did the laws Parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies?

The laws parliament passed increase British control in the American colonies since they lowered taxes.

What was true about the American colonies after the Continental Congress met?

The American Revolution transformed thirteen British colonies into fourteen states.