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another view, not in disagreement, but another view.

Yoga, Tai Chi, and planting/growing wheat grass for my cats in a small pot on the counter. I guess I am a believer in moving meditation reading that short list to myself just now.

When I am out of whack, I go back to those three.

I try not to get distracted by coming up with other official methods for myself, as being centered to me is not being scattered.

At the same time, other things enhance centered-ness for me-- such as looking at the stars, watching the ocean, getting in the ocean, hiking, feeling nature, feeling the sun warm my body for five minutes, taking strolls (different by far from power-walking, which might serve another purpose). Chopping vegetables for a stew, soup or other type of dish is another winner.

I clean out clutter annually, (my month for this is October, I'm not sure why I picked that month for certain). And I never clean out all my clutter, for some reason.

I practice a fairly intense hot room yoga and am best if I practice my Tai Chi on my own and not just during my once a week class.

I practice being centered not because I am that way by nature, but by desire. It is the way I prefer to live, but sometimes I forget. That is why I have a short, three item list.

Being centered is a very personal activity. Some people seem to be centered by nature, without any direct conscious effort. I am not that type of person.

I know it when I feel it, which is the other suggestion I would give-- try and feel centered and as relaxed as possible. One's ability and the availability for one to be centered and more relaxed is limitless, so feel as much of it as you can is what I try and remind myself.

Do something kind.

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The best approach is to admit your right to know. Set about to learn about more of yourself and seek first the kingdom of heaven and all else will begin to be added. My progression really began when I said to myself, I will know. I know there is a system available that will allow me to understand the whole set up and I will have it, now where is it. At that point I didn't know what it was called or who had the information, but by me implementing that intention, I found it or it found me, and I began. They taught me about undivided attention, concentration, listening and remembering skills and meditation. At the same time I was given information on the universal laws, how they work and how to work within them. It was a study about me, where I came from, where am I going, and where I am now in relation to where I am going. I began to understand the why of it all, and through my own resulting experiences, I was able to prove to myself the validity of the system. It was the hardest thing I ever did, but by far the most worthwhile. Sorry, but the good stuff is not easy to have, but it is available as I have proven. It does get easier after the practice of much discipline.

If you are looking to ground yourself in terms of being more in tune with the physical plane rather than drifting off into the spiritual, the way to ground yourself is simple....try to be a part of this physical plane. I.e .. when you meditate, try to focus something to keep you from drifting off....if that is too hard, try staring at something or chant a mantra, some chi kong/yoga..that will help a lot as you will need to focus your attention on yourself whilst maintaining a clear sense of mind and these will help build your base chakra. The base chakra is pretty important. It's like this...if your crown chakra is's like you're trying to hold a balloon that just wants to wonder off into nowhere. But having a good base chakra gives you a strong hand, and control over this balloon.

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