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Q: What is the effect of yeast and sugar solution?
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What effect does yeast have on sugar solution?

when a yeast cell is put in a hypertonic solution, water moves out of the cell down its osmotic gradient to the outside of the cell by osmosis as a result the cell shrinks

Why does a sugar solution become alcoholic on adding yeast?

Yeast consumes sugar and as a byproduct you get alcohol. In simple terms, yeast eats sugar and pees out alcohol.

What is the Tyndall effect of sugar solution?

Tyndall effect doesn't exist in a sugar solution.

What will be the effect of sugar on turmeric solution?

Sugar hasn't effect.

Why do yeast grow in sugar solution but not in water?

Because yeast needs to have food just like us to grow, and sugar is that food.

What is the effect of sugar solution in turmeric?

No effect

What is the effect of sugar solution on turmeric solution?

when sugar solution is added to turmeric solution , it turns yellow.

Why does live yeast and sugar solution mixed in a water bath of 30 degrees bubble?

Think of the sugar solution as food for the live yeast. The yeast breaks down the sugar by alcoholic fermentation, a process that takes the sugar and breaks it into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide that forms can be seen by the naked the form of bubbles!

What is the properties of solution in sugar?

No effect

What conditions is necessary for yeast to grow and multiply?

Yeast require energy to grow and divide its cells, therefore yeast grows best in sugar solution.

Why must the sugar solution be cooled before adding yeast?

It's not clear in what context this question is asked, but hot water can kill yeast.

What is given off when yeast ferments sugar?

Bubbles of CO2 comming out of the solution