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Whether it is viewed as a hoax or just bad science is up to the individual. There is evidence that the planet has indeed warmed over the past 10,000 plus years. Some problems withe the current science would include (but not limited to)

  • CO2 levels have never caused temp change historically. Every global temperature decrease has occurred during high CO2 levels and vice versa.
  • There is evidence that CO2 levels above 200ppm are above the saturation levels of the planet thus no additional warming would occur if the levels were above this.
  • There are over 90,000 science measurements that show that pre 1900 levels of CO2 were often above 400 pp
  • Man produces less than 0.03% of all green house gas
  • Man produces less then 7% of all CO2. Much of that CO2 comes from objects that would produce CO2 whether used by man or not.
  • The current warming trend started this cycle about 10,000 years ago.
  • The starting point for the trend blamed on man was a low point in recent temps known as the mini ice age.
  • Most of our warming occurred before 1934. Since the temps of 1934 we have seen less than 0.2 degrees of warming.
  • Even the IPCC does not blame man for ALL warming like many do. They say that man is partially to blame.
  • Climate gate and other issues have caught climate experts on the dole forging and misrepresenting temperatures.
  • Many Government funded climate experts illegally refuse to allow access to government funded data.
  • When the numbers are verified, many climate experts values do not ring true.
  • The sea level rise is not following the predicted path. In fact it is about normal for the past few centuries.
  • Temperature rise is not consistent, despite the requirement of it being consistent if we are consistently adding warmth.
  • The IPCC (the United Nations economic panel on climate change) admits that solar variation is still not understood as it interacts with climate change.
  • There has not been an increase, as predicted, in hurricanes or major storms.
  • Models for climate change have all ignored water vapors negative feedbacks and thus always fail to meet real world projections. (Water vapor is the main green house gas)
  • Water vapor is the greatest driver of warming. CO2 makes up less than 10% of the warming in many studies. Worst case is 25%.
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7y ago

There is no evidence that global warming is a hoax. Do you imagine that every country and government in the world has been hoaxed, as they have all signed the Paris 2015 Climate Agreement? Who is hoaxing them? Martians?

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Q: What is the evidence that global warming is a hoax?
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Extremely conservative groups tend to be more critical of the evidence of global warming. This has more to do ideology than idiocy, even though over 97% of scientists acknowledge the existence of of global warming.

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