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the epicenter (EP uh sen tur)

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Q: What is the exact location of an earthquake on Earth's surface?
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Exact location of current Haiti earthquake?

The epicentre of an earthquake this the point in the earth where the earth moved (fractured) to cause the shaking of the ground. The 2010 Haiti earthquakes epicentre was located 15 miles WSW of Port-Au-Prince and was at a depth of 8.1 miles. it was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

What was the longitude of the Haitian earthquake?

The January 12 Haitian earthquake occurred at a longitude of 72 degrees West. According to the US Geological Survey the exact co-ordinates were 18.457°N, 72.533°W.

What is the difference between epicenter and hypo center?

The epicenter is the origin of an earthquake. However, a hypocenter is the exact spot where a bomb has been dropped.

How do earthquake warnings work?

Well there are warnings if there are earthquakes coming but not by humans by animals. Animals have very sharp senses, so if there was danger your animals will act crazy so you should keep an eye on your animals. Also i recommend you to have a pet. (NOT A LAZY ONE!)

The earthquake which struck Haiti was recorded as magnitude 7.0 what does this mean?

Magnitude is a term used to describe how much energy was released by an earthquake. It gives an indication of the amplitude of the seismic waves that occur and also on the length of the fault rupture zone and the displacement along the fault. A magnitude 7 earthquake is defined by the US Geological Survey as a "major" earthquake. In general earthquake over a magnitude of 4 or 5 can cause damage although the exact reasons why some earthquake are more damaging than others is more complext than just the absolute magnitdue of the earthquake. For more information on this, see the related question.

Related questions

What is the exact position of a place on the earths surface?

Absolute Location.

What is it called when earthquakes start below Earth's surface?

All earthquakes occur underground, the exact place where the earthquake starts underground is called the Focus. The location where the earthquake first hits the surface of the earth is called the Epicenter! Hope I helped!

Which term is defined as the exact location where an earthquake occurred?


What is the term used to define the exact location of an earthquake?


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What is the name of the exact point where an earthquake occurred?

The "epicenter" is the point on the surface above the "hypocenter" or "focus" of the earthquake underground.

How many seismograph stations does it take to find an exact location of an earthquake's epicenter?

It takes 3 stations.

How do geographers describe the exact location location of a place?

they usually use longitude and latitude to describe exactly where they are on the surface of the earth .

Does the earths high and low pressure zones remain in the exact same location all year?

They are not stationary. So no, they don't stay in the same location all year.

What was the exact location of the earthquake in Japan?

The location for the magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011 was 129 kilometers (80 miles) off the east coast of the Oshika Peninsula, Tōhoku, near Sendai at a depth of 32 kilometers (20 miles).

Can the SP time method be used with one seismograph station to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?

No. One seismograph station will only allow you to calculate the distance to the earthquake's focus. (The epicentre is on the surface above.) To find its exact location you need the recordings from at least 3 seismograph stations.For more information on the SP time method, please see the related question.

What part of speech is exact location?

Exact is an adjective; location is a noun.