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They eat hay (alfalfa, timothy etc) TMR (total mixed ration of soy beans, hay, silage etc), grain, corn etc.

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Q: What is the feed of a Brown Swiss cow?
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How long does a Brown Swiss live?

A Brown Swiss cow can live for 9 to 15 years.

What country did the brown Swiss cow come from?


How tall is a brown Swiss cow?

an average brown Swiss cow is stands about 58 inches tall. Some are shorter but the tallest you will find is around 64-65 inches tall.

What do Brown Swiss cows eat?

A Brown Swiss is a milk cow. Therefore it gets the same type of feed that any productive, high-maintenance dairy cow needs: A TMR (Total Mixed Ration) of hay (alfalfa, timothy, clover, orchardgrass, etc.), silage (corn, barley, wheat) and grain (barley, wheat, corn, soybeans, etc.). See the related question below.

What type of milk does a brown Swiss make?

Milk, just like any other cow.

When was brown Swiss originated?

The Brown Swiss breed was possibly started around 1000 years ago by the monks of the Einsiedeln Monastery in Switzerland. However, bones found in the ruins of the Swiss lake dwellers dated back to around 4000 B.C and have some resemblance to the skeletal structure of that of today's Brown Swiss cow.

What breed of cow is used for milking?

Ayrshre, Brown Swiss, Guernsey,Holstein,Jersy, and Milking Shorthorn

What type of cattle are raised to produce milk?

Dairy cattle like Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jerseys.

Name five cow dairy breeds?

Jersey, Guernsey, Holstien, Brown Swiss and Ayshire, plus the Milking Shorthorn.

What is the gestation period of a brown Swiss heifer?

About 290 days, which is about 9 months and 20 days.

Is cow semen used to make Swiss cheese?

Yes. The Swiss cow provides the most robust flavored semen for the making of swiss cheese.

Which cow produces milk for the best cheese?

i recommend cow cheese rather than goat cheese