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Q: What is the fewest number of seismographic stations that must record the arrival time in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?
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How is the distance between a seismic station and the earthquake epicenter is determined?

The distance between a seismic station and the earthquake epicenter is determined from the S-P interval, which is the time difference between the time of arrival of the first P wave and the first S wave.

How is the fact that P waves travel more quickly the S waves used to determine the distance of an earthquake's epicenter from a seismograph station?

Given the difference in arrival times, you can determine the distance from the epicenter.

What is the fewest number of seismographic stations that must record the arrival time of P and S-waves?

That depends on what information you are interested in. A single seismic station station measuring the P and S-wave arrival time can make an estimate of the distance to the epicentre of the earthquake and based on this information and the amplitude of the measured waves can make an estimate of the earthquakes magnitude, whereas a minimum of three stations are needed to find the location of the epicentre. For more information on this process, please see the related question.

Where is the epicenter of an earthquake if the arrival time difference between P and S waves is zero?

Your standing on it! P-waves travel faster than S-waves through the Earth. As such the further away a seismometer station is from the epicentre of an Earthquake, the larger the difference between arrival times will be. By the same logic this means that the closer you get to the epicentre, the smaller the difference in arrival time will be until your at the epicentre when the difference will be zero!

What is a seismologist and what types of scientific tools do they use to locate earthquakes?

Seismologist use a seismometer or seismograph to record the P and S-wave arrival times.Please see the related question for detail on how this is used to locate an earthquake epicenter.Geologists use seismic waves to locate an earthquake's epicenter.

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What is the fewer number of seismographic stations that must record the arrival time of waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?


What is the fewest number of seismographic stations that record the arrival time of P and S waves in order to for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?


What is the fewest number of seismographic stations that must record the arrival time of P and S waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?


What is the fewest number of seismograph stations that must record the arrival time of P and S waves in order for the epicenter of an earthquake to be located?


The distance between a seismic station and the earthquake epicenter is determined from the?

The difference in arrival times of P and S waves.

If there are 3 records of the same earthquake how can the epicenter be determined?

The epicenter can be determined by measuring the time difference between the arrival of P and S waves, and then calculating the distance of the epicenter from each of the 3 stations. Once you have estimated the distance for each station you then draw a circle around each one. The place where the circles meet or intersect, is the epicenter.

Is data about an earthquake from two seismographic stations enough information to locate the epicenter?

From Science Explorer Prentice Hall Earth Science: " Geologists use seismic waves to locate an earthquake's epicenter. Seismic waves travel at different speeds. P waves arrive at a seismograph first, with S waves following close behind. To tell how far the epicenter is from the seismograph, scientists measure the difference between the arrival time of the P waves and S waves. The farther away an earthquake is, the greater the time between arrival of the P waves and the S waves." Did this help?

Which two waves from an earthquake can triangulate the epicenter?

P-waves (Primary) and S-waves (Secondary). Using the difference in time between the arrival of P- and S-waves, you can then determine the distance from the epicenter. Once you've determined the distance from the epicenter of three different stations, you'll be able to triangulate the epicenter (the point where all three circles cross).

How do you find the epicenter of an earthquake by seismic data?

By finding the arrival time of the P waves and S waves :)

What difference between P-waves and S-waves is used to find an earthquake's epicenter?

The difference in arrival time is used to find the distance to an Earthquake's epicentre.

How do seismographs approximate the location o an epicenter?

The farther apart the arrival times of the different waves are, the farther away the earthquake is. :)

Can the s-p time method be used with one seismograph station to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?

The first step in this method is to collect several seismograms of the same earthquake from different locations. Then, the seismograms are placed on a time-distance graph. The seismogram tracing of the first P wave is lined up with the P-wave time-distance curve, and the tracing of the first S wave is lined up with the S-wave curve.The distance of each station from the earthquake can be found by reading the horizontal axis. After finding out the distances, a seismologist can locate an earthquake's epicenter.-New Boyz