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Secret Between Friends - Lifetime Movie

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Q: What is the film called about a girl who is American and her friend convinces her to eat less and she becomes anorexic and has to be force fed and then her friend dies of anorexia?
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You want to be anorexic is it wrong?

Anorexia is not something you want but often something that you think is cool or cool to be skinny but Anorexia becomes a disorder and DISEASE that can spiral out of control. If you think you're overweight talk to someone about a healthy planned diet.

Why should'NT i tell an anorexic to eat?

You should not say it so bluntly. Anorexia is not something you could just get over, it takes time and in most cases rehab. If you told some one who was anorexic to just eat would be like telling someone with both of their legs broken to run a mile. Anorexia is not just an eating disorder it becomes a mental illness and unfortunately a way of life.

Why professionals think anorexia develops?

Professionals believe that the cause of anorexia is broad, and the disease can develop or stem from a number of problems. Most commonly, anorexia is believed to develop from mental problems, like depression, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), and now-self esteem. Anorexia can commonly happen as a reault of a simple, common diet that becomes excessive and too extreme. Some believe that anorexia might have a genetic link to it, as individuals with a mother who was anorexic have been seen to be more likely to develop an eating disorder, too. Some think that social factors, like media, can cause anorexia, but that is highy disputed.

Can you become anorexic in 2 days?

I'd say no because people can fast for religious reasons for many days and resume their regular eating habits. However, a huge part of anorexia is psychological, so it's hard to say when it really becomes a disease. I found this website interesting.....

Who becomes Bulimic?

Who becomes bulimic? Ha. Bulimia is an illness and it comes to people without reason. I'm bulimic and 'anorexic' I don't aggree with the doctor on anorexic as I'm fat, hence why I purge after I eat. It's a horrible illness

Can you have kids if your anorexic?

it depends because a lot of the time when people are anorexic their menstrual cycle becomes irregular or stops completely and if this happens it is very difficult/impossible to have children

What kind of eating disorder is it when you starve yourself?

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder in which the person becomes increasingly underweight by self-starvation or extreme cutting-down of food intake. Bulimia Nervosa is when the person will eat or binge, then purge to ensure the contents of the food does not affect their weight. Both of these are very serious diseases and are more so mental issues than physical. In other words, mental-issues are the cause and physical-issues are the effect.

Where will acid rain be the greatest?

when Liam tears flopper is no more and peter woodle becomes anorexic

What would happen if you had anorexia and bulimia at the same time?

Anorexia and Bulimia are diagnosed mainly by the weight of the sufferer. If a Bulimic person becomes underweight, they will then be diagnosed with Anorexia the Binge and Purge subtype. There are two main subtypes of anorexia nervosa: Restricting: Where low weight is maintained by low food intake, exercise and/or laxative abuse Binge/Purge: While restricting; engaging in regular binge and/or purge sessions

Which is more common bulimia or anorexia?

Most of the time bulimia starts with anorexia, but then maybe they go to somewhere with a lot of food and they lose control and binge. To get rid of the calories they purge an then this becomes an addiction. Bulimia is much more common than anorexia because not all bulimics have anorexia, but most anorexics have bulimic tendencies.

What causes some people to become anorexic?

Well there is a lot of reasons why someone would become anorexic. It is a mental disease and it has a lot to do with what they see in the mirror, clearly they don't like themselves and think they will like themselves feel better if they lost weight they are miserable. I know when I started I had very low self-esteem and I thought by doing that I will get more confidence and I was also having a lot of family issues. Anyways anorexia has to do with "control" and low self-esteem, the media, past abuse, depression...ect. Sometimes when someone becomes anorexic it has nothing to do with losing weight. It is a very complicated disease.

Is it true that an obesity person will die quicker than someone who is anorexic?

No, not necessarily. Unfortunately, Obesity and Anorexia are common eating disorders. Both can be treated medically by a licensed medical professional.Check the link to National Eating Disorders Association.If you believe you have an eating disorder, seek immediate medical attention before it becomes too overwhelming and out of control.