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Q: What is the first instinked a horse will do if they feel afraid?
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When did karana first feel afraid?

Karana first felt afraid when her brother Ramo was attacked by wild dogs. She realized the danger they were in and experienced fear for the first time.

What do you do if you do not feel safe on your horse?

First, you should stablish a relation by not being on your horse (scrub him, give him food,...) . When you and the horse have a good relation, if you mount him you'll feel safe.

Riding your new horse?

Well when you first ride your new horse you want to just get a feel for how the horse reins and how he or she reacts to your leg and hand signals. Your horse may have been trained differently then you, and you should just get the feel of him or her the first time you ride. Hopefully you have not bought the horse yet and you are just trying him or her out at the breeders, but if you have bought him of or her already, that is OK too.

In Farewell to Manzanar how did the young narrator feel about other asians?

At first she was afraid of them. She had nightmares about their slanted eyes.

What does a horse feel when his ears are flat?

what does a horse feel when it put its ears flat

Who sings 'Don't be afraid of the way you feel'?

"Don't be afraid of the way you feel" are lyrics in the song "Real Love" by Sky.

How do you feel the lead on your horse?

Feeling the lead on your horse actually means Knowing on which front foot (left or right) that the horse is setting down first or leading with. You can make a figure 8 at a canter and actually feel the horse change its lead. Advanced riders and horses can change leads on command and not have to do a turn to do it.

What would a horse's first instinct be if it was scared?

To run. The first thing a horse will do when frightened is to run. If they feel trapped then they will fight by rearing and by kicking. Its called "Fight or flight". Fight or run. A horse will bolt (run) and can squeal. If a horse is really scared, or has fear, there would be little whites in their eyes.

What is the meaning of ' I am afraid' phrase?

1. It means that you feel fear. For example, "I am afraid of dogs." 2. It means that you do not want to tell someone the news, but you feel you must. For example, "I'm afraid that your uncle has died."

How does ender feel about mick?

ender feel as though he should not have to kiss but he not afraid

What does a giraffe feel?

The Feel Like A Horse With A Long neck

How does a horse feel?

It depends on the horse that u r touching. If u r touching a horse that has bin groomed properly, it would feel smooth and nice. If u were touching a horse that was not groomed properly, then it would feel like it came out of ur drain! lols