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Nothing (actually there is no BYTE in C). Use one of these: %c %x %u %o %d.

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Q: What is the format specifire of data type BYTE?
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What is data type and field name?

Data Type defines the type of data that will be stored. Example : int, byte, short etc

How do you store the data into byte in c?

There is not built-in 'byte' type in C, but you can define it: typedef unsigned char byte; byte bmin=0, bmax=255;

How many bytes are allocated in the bool data type?

bool (lowercase, built-in type) has an unspecified size, but is typically 1 byte. When in doubt, use sizeof( <type> ) to determine the byte count of any data type.

Which data type typically requires only one byte of storage?

Boolean data type usually requires only 1 byte, because it represent only 1 of 2 possible values: true or false, which is represented as 1 or 0, so only 1 byte is needed.

What type of data transper by TCP?

reliable, connection-based, full-duplex, byte-stream

How is memory allocated in c program for a character data type?

One byte for every character.

Software that creates packets for moving data across networks?

Presentation Layer - ASCII or EBCDEC data syntax. Makes the type of data transparent to the layers around it. Used to translate date to computer specific format such as byte ordering. It may include compression. It prepares the data, either for the network or the application depending on the direction it is going.

What are the differetn type of data?

That depends a lot on the environment. In general, a computer system - whether a programming language or a database - has several types of numeric data - at least to distinguish integers and floating point numbers; usually also to distinguish different sizes. For example, a certain language may have 1-byte, 2-byte, 4-byte and 8-byte integers, as well as 4-byte and 8-byte floating-point numbers. Apart from numbers, it is common to have characters and strings (a.k.a. "alphanumeric") as separate data types. In many environments, there is a date or datetime data type - or both. Programming languages tend to have a boolean (logical) data type, which only allows two values: true and false. A few languages, such as Python, have native support for complex numbers. In object-oriented environments, the user can define arbitrary new data types, by creating the corresponding classes as "templates" for the data type. For example, if you want a data type for a point on a plane, you can create a class with two fields, for the two coordinates. In such environments, you can create all the data types you want.

Which WAN connection type uses a fixed-length 53 byte cell for transmitting data?


How do you make a 8 byte integer in C?

Use data-type 'long long' or 'int64_t' (from inttypes.h)

Why is a byte the smallest bit of useful data?

Bit (b) and Byte (B) is entirely different. Bit is the smallest storage unit in computer science. 8 Bit (8b) = 1 Byte (1B) In normal working, when you press any key, it covers atleast 1 Byte of space. Means if you will type ABC, it will cover 3B, so that we consider byte as a smallest unit of useful data.

Innumerate the different types of data type?

eight primitive data types are: -boolean -char -byte -short -int -long -double -float