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The lysosome is charged with the degradation of biomolecules no longer needed in the cell and is on board white blood cell to degrade harmful microorganisms that are engulfed by the white blood cells. It is similar to a stomach as it " digests " these molecules it fuses with.

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Q: What is the fuction of the lysosomes in animal cell and how is it similar to the stomach?
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What is a Mormot?

an animal similar to a marmot i believe.

What organelle resembles the stomach?

The lysosome, an organelle in the human/animal cell, is most like the stomach. The lysosome contains enzymes to digest materials like food, dead cell parts, and waste. Along with foreign "invaders."

Who was boxer similar to from the Russian revolution?

Boxer (the horse in Animal Farm) represents the Russian Proletariat, the powerful but often simple minded working class.

How do roundworms affect people?

not much, but they live in the intestines and feed off the nutrients in the wastes that pass through the intestines. They are transmitted by eating or ingesting infected materials, covered in some kind of excrement or wastes from an infected animal, their life cycle is that they are ingested, pass through the stomach and hatch in the intestines. They mature by entering the blood stream and are then swallowed again into the stomach, where they finish growing, and go into the intestines and proceed to lay eggs, after this they are excreted and the process re starts.

What does Tatonka mean?

Spelled like that it means nothing; as tatanka (with a nasalised second a) it is the Lakota term literally meaning "big hump", used for the male of any large animal species with its head carried below the line of its spine - bears, moose, goats, elk, buffalo. It is made up of ta (an animal with a humped appearance) and tanka (large).Many uninformed people today claim that it means simply "buffalo bull", but this is a false claim.The similar term tabloka also has the meaning "male of an animal species with a hump".

Related questions

Why are lysosomes only present an animal cells?

A lysosome is a bit like a stomach, it uses acid to break down or digest waste from the cell. Plant cells have a similar structure called a lytic vacuole that performs this role. Lately, some scientists have found evidence that some plant cells may actually contain lysosomes just like animal cells.

What Kingdom is Lysosomes In?

Lysosomes are in eukariyotes.So animal,plant,fungi,protist kingdom have lysosomes.

Are lysosomes both in animal and plant cells?

Yes, lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells

What function does the lysosomes in an animal cell perform?

Lysosomes recycle proteins

Are there lysosomes in animal cells?

Yes, there are lysosomes in animal cells. This is where cellular digestion of debris and waste occurs in the cell.

Do plant and animal Cells have lysosomes?

Yes, both plant and animal cells contain lysosomes within the cytoplasm.

Are lysosomes in plant or animal cells or both?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

Do animal cells have lysosomes in them?


Do animal cells have lysosomes?

yes only because plant cells do not have any lysosomes.

Are lysosomes found in animals plants or both?

Yes, they are found in both plant and animal cells.

Are lysosome found in both animal and plant cells?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

Why are lysosomes found more often in animal cells?

# why do blood cells have so many lysosomes?