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Proteinase K is most often used in extracting DNA from while blood cells (or leukocytes).

The first step in DNA isolation is to break open the cell and release the cytoplasmic contents, which includes the nucleus, in which we find DNA.

Proteinase K is a protease (an enzyme capable of digesting proteins). It is used to digest the cell surface proteins. When cell surface proteins are digested, the integrity of the cell membrane is compromised leading to cell lysis (or the breaking open of the cell)

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6y ago

During the extraction of DNA (or nucleic acids in general), there is a lot of contaminating proteins present. These contaminants must be removed. Proteinase K, which is a broad spectrum serine protease, is used in many DNA extraction protocols to digest these contaminating proteins. In addition, there may be nucleases (enzymes that degrade nucleic acids) present. The addition of proteinase K degrades these nucleases and protects the nucleic acids from nuclease attack. In addition, proteinase K is stable over a wide pH range and is well suited for use in DNA extraction.

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11y ago

it is a proteolytic enzyme obtained from Streptomyces griseus.

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12y ago

The primary role of proteases is to break down the proteins associated with dna in the chromosomes, and the othe proteins in the cell.

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Q: What is the function of Proteinase K in DNA extraction?
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What happens if you add too much proteinase k to a lysis buffer when performing DNA extraction?

it depends what "too much" is. a concentration up to 1mg/mL or slightly higher can be still ok. proteinase K should digest only proteins, leaving your DNA intact.

What is the role of protinase K in DNA isolation?

I believe the role of proteinase K in a DNA isolation is just to digest proteins. Proteinase K is a protein digesting enzyme. Digesting proteins is important in a DNA isolation because the proteins included in your DNA before you treat it with proK likely include some DNAses. If you didn't use proK, your DNA would degrade very quickly.

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it lalala lopsie

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As with most protein enzymes change the temperature or change the pH significantly.

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In order to prepare 50mM TES buffer, you will need to add in approximately 1000 ml of Proteinase K solution. From there, you will need to separate and stack the gels.

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