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As far as I'm aware, suppressor columns are primarily used in ion chromatography just. They remove strong ions (ie replace Na+ with H+) allowing for a decrease in background detection (due to the eluent). A link is provided to the process that goes on in a suppressor for IC made by metrohm

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Q: What is the function of suppressor column in HPLC?
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How do you distinguised np-hplc and rp-hplc?

NP-HPLC is "Normal Phase" HPLC, wherein the solvents used are less polar than the substrate in the HPLC column (e.g. using hexane or dichloromethane with a silica HPLC column). RP-HPLC is "Reverse-Phase" HPLC, wherein the solvents used are more polar than the substrate in the HPLC column (e.g. using Water and Methanol with a octadecylsilane (ODS or C18) column).

What is an HPLC column?

HPLC Column is one type of tube containing a stationary phase react with mobile phase to detect peak

What are the HPLC Calibration parameters and elaborate it?

1. Flow rate 2. Temp. of column 3. Detector function 4. Resolution

What is the function of pump in HPLC?

A high-performance liquid chromatography, or HPLC, refers to a technique in analytic chemistry that is used to separate the components in a mixture. The pump in HPLC passes a pressurized liquid solvent that contains the sample mixture through a column filled with a solid adsorbent material.

Retention time in Hplc?

The Time-Taken the sample Or elute in the column is called the retention time in hplc.

Definition of standard in HPLC?

Answer: HPLC standards are an indispensible tool for analytical HPLC applications. They are used to monitor column performance & calibrate detector response.

What is the difference between single column and column suppressor ion chromatography?

Single column depends upon small differences in conductivity between sample ions and elutent ions. Suppressor based ion exchange has a second ion exchange column, (suppressor) after the original ion exchanger that converts ions to a limited charged product.

What can one read in the HPLC Column?

In an HPLC column one can see very small molecules such as ATP, histidine, glucose, uracil, and pyridine. It is a form high quality of liquid Chromatography.

What is dead volum in hplc?

The dead volume in HPLC is 137.45. The dead volume in science is used in retention measurements and also in thermodynamic studies and the abbreviation HPLC stands for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography.

What happen after used dipotassium buffer ph 9 on hplc column?

Nothing will happen

What is mean by delay volume in HPLC analysis?

how long time gradient reach column.

What is drift in hplc?

Unstbilized column will deviate baseline as little as possible from a horizontal line