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The job of white blood cells is the fight off any harmful germs and infections. (So they basically prevent diseases).

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Americo Powlowski

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2y ago
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7y ago

There are actually several different populations of white blood cells in the human body, and they all serve similar, but distinct functions.

In general, white blood cells (WBCs), also known as "leukocytes" (from Greek: leuko - "white" + cytos "cell") serve as defense from foreign invaders to the body. They clean up trash in the bloodstream, recognize and participate in the destruction of invasive organisms like bacteria and viruses.

Leukocytes are divided into a few subclasses. Keep in mind that books about white blood cells can be enormous, and these descriptions are greatly simplified for easier and quicker reading:

1. Lymphocytes - participate in the destruction of bacterial and viral invaders, and are further divided into:

a. T-cells which function largely to eat and digest viruses, and

b. B-cells which function largely to produce antibodies against certain other types of invaders.

2. Monocytes, a population which tends to engulf, then destroy invaders of a bacterial or viral origin,

3. Eosinophils, a population which are most commonly seen in the immune response to a parasitic invader like a worm

4. Basophils, finally, contain granules of histamine which are released when the basophil is triggered by a specific invader. This histamine acts locally to increase blood flow and facilitate an immune response.

In summary, white blood cells are key players in the body's immune system and are divided into different populations which function in fairly specific ways against fairly specific types of invaders.

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9y ago

One of a number of different cells that play a part in the body's defenses and give immunity against disease. Some (neutrophils and macrophages) engulf invading microorganisms, others kill infected cells, while lymphocytes produce more specific immune responses. White blood cells are colourless, with clear or granulated cytoplasm, and are capable of independent amoeboid movement. They occur in the blood, lymph, and elsewhere in the body's tissues. Unlike mature red blood cells they contain a nucleus.

Human blood contains about 11,000 leucocytes to the cubic millimetre - about one to every 500 red blood cells. White blood cell numbers may be reduced (leucopenia) by starvation, pernicious anaemia, and certain infections, such as typhoid and malaria. An increase in their numbers (leucocytosis) is a reaction to normal events such as digestion, exertion, and pregnancy, and to abnormal ones such as loss of blood, cancer, and most infections.

Some white cells can produce antibodies. Antibodies are specific chemicals that can attach to chemicals that do not belong to the body, such as toxins or chemicals on disease-causing bacteria. Chemicals that do not belong to the body are said to be 'foreign'. If these chemicals cause the body to produce antibodies, they are called antigens. Once these foreign chemicals have contacted the blood, some white blood cells can retain the memory of the particular antibody that is needed for defence. The next time the antibody is needed it is produced quickly and in large amounts to prevent the body being harmed - the body shows immunity to the disease. This is also the basis of immunization by a vaccine.

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16y ago

White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are part of the immune system. They help fight against diseases and foreign objects in the body.

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14y ago

The white blood cell is like a warrior. When you get bacteria in your body it goes to the source and gets rid of it.

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Q: What is the function of the white blood cell?
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What is the part of the human transport system and there function?

your heart,blood,veins,red blood cell,white blood cell

Which white blood cell has the function to kill parasites?

no it is not or may be

What is the difference between the red blood cell and the nerve cell?

the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but it doesnt care as much blood as the red blood cell does that's the difference. Also, the nerve cell is the white cell and it is white but the red blood carries blood. Wait, I think the nerve cell is the white cell is white. White Cell=Nerve Cell*white. Cell=Nerve/White =;)

How many layers in a blood cell?

There are three main types of cells in the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each type of cell has a specific function in the body.

Is the white blood cells an animal cell or a plant cell?

No. Plants do have an immune system, but they do not have blood or a mobile cell that travels the plant looking for and fighting infection. There are believd to be two components of a plant's immune system, and from what I understand, it is more of an innate property of each cell rather than a function of a special class of cells such as a white blood cell.

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