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Q: What is the history of the 1980s?
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No. There was never a Giants player with the last name of Cadei in the history of the organization.

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The history of it pollution was mayor back in the 1980s because there was no sanatation for water and we had to drink contaminated waer for over three or more months

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Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the 1980s and 1990s

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1980s Yugo for sure.1980s Yugo for sure.

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The list of the Internet and PC what-ifs are: What if Google Maps were invented in the 1980s? What if YouTube was invented in the 1980s? What if Wikipedia was invented in the 1980s? What if Myspace was invented in the 1980s? What if Yahoo was invented in the 1980s? What if Facebook was invented in the 1980s? What if Twitter was invented in the 1980s? What if Deviant Art was invented in the 1980s? What if Skype was invented in the 1980s? What if Google Video (launched in 2005) lasted forever on the Internet? What if laptops were invented in the 1950s? and millions of other what-ifs.

How is Sir Alan Sugar important to British history?

He isn't really. You could argue that in the 1980s he made personal computers and other gadgets affordable to the masses.

Who had the x factor in 1980s?

The X Factor wasn't around in the 1980s.

Which group of keywords best describes the information need for the following assignment Prepare a presentation about the gains achieved by women in the 1980s?

"Women's rights in the 1980s", "women's achievements in the 1980s", "gender gains in the 1980s".

What are some good questions to ask someone about the 1980s?

What were some significant cultural events or movements from the 1980s that you remember? How did technology and music change during the 1980s? What were your favorite fashion trends or iconic films from the 1980s?

How much was gas in the 1980s?

Gas was price at $1.25 in the 1980s.

Was Spider-Man the fourth strongest hero in marvel in the 1980s?

yes he was , in the 1980s