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the Dictatorship of napoleon

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Q: What is the inhumanity in the novel Animal Farm?
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Is Animal Farm by George Orwell an allegorical novel?

"Animal Farm" is an allegorical novel whose characters and plot had historical equivalents .

What is the name of mrpilkington's farm in the novel Animal Farm?

He owns Foxwood

What is the name of a concept used in Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is a novel that depicts an allegory of the Bolshevik Revolution.

When do the animals become in charge of the farm in Animal Farm?

Near the end of the novel

Where can one find the characters list from Animal Farm?

You can find a list of the characters from Animal Farm on the cliffsnotes website or on the gradesaver website. Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell.

In which novel would you find Boxer and Clover?

Animal Farm

Why do the animals attack Frederick's men?

Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell. In the novel, the animals attack Frederick's men because they tried to take the windmill, which was the symbol of the animal farm.

What are the charateristcs of a fable?

talking animals. Animal farm is a fable novel.

What are the main themes of George Orwell's novel animal farm?


How the revolution did and why in Animal Farm?

Through getting rid of still drunken farmer Jones. Animal farm is a novel by Orwell about his opinions about communism.

How did the education contribute to the ideology of animalism in the novel animal farm?

In the novel "Animal Farm," education played a pivotal role in shaping the ideology of Animalism. The pigs, particularly Snowball and Napoleon, took it upon themselves to educate the other animals about the principles of Animalism. This allowed the pigs to establish themselves as the intellectual elite, creating a power dynamic that enabled them to manipulate and control the other animals. Through education, the pigs were able to instill their ideologies and beliefs in the other animals, solidifying their authority over the farm.

How much did the pig snowball weigh in the novel animal farm?

In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, the pig named Snowball did not weigh a specific amount. His weight was not a significant detail in the story.