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Q: What is the initial or tentative explanation of an oberservation?
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What is the type of science with tentative explantion?

An hypothesis is a tentative explanation, not yet having been proved to be a theory.

A tentative explanation of a phenomena based on observations is called a?


What is A tentative (or untested) explanation of a natural phenomenon is called?

An hypothesis

A very tentative explanation of observations of some regularity of nature is an?

A hypothesis

What is a scientific explanation that is tentative and requires more investigation?

Hypothesis? Proposition? Preliminary?

Why is a hypothesis called a tentative explanation?

A hypothesis is called a tentative explanation because it is a statement or prediction that is proposed before conducting an experiment or research study. It is not yet proven and serves as a starting point for investigation, which can be either supported or disproved through further evidence and analysis.

What integrated explanation of numerous hypothesis is known as?

A tentative explanation in research is called a hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on observation. The general explanation of the observation is called a theory. In other words, a theory is the result of testing a hypothesis.

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An explanation of observation?

"a hypothesis is a tentative answer to some quesion." (essential biology:third edition)

What is tentative speech?

Tentative language is a writing style most often adopted by academics writing academic papers. Tentative language does not describe things as being absolutely true or false, but rather as a possible explanation in describing what's happening.

Proposing an explanation for the changing colors of the sky is an example of a what?

Proposing an explanation for the changing colors of the sky is an example of a scientific hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested and supported or refuted through scientific investigation and evidence.

The initial explanation for a phenomenon prior to experimentation is called a?
