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Carbohydrates are primarily used as an energy source for the body. They also aid with short term energy storage.

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Q: What is the job of a Carbohydrates?
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What is the job of carbohydrates?

The job of carbohydrates are to help you walk and gives you energy by ellie thomas

What carbohydrates job in your body?

carbohydrates are basically sugar and starch, they are fuel for your body for your muscles whenever you go to exercise.

What is the job amylase?

it helps to break down carbohydrates in our food.

What is the carbohydrates job?

It serves as the main source energy of the body.

What is the job of the palisade?

The job for the palisade is: to use the sun's energy to create carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide.

What is a job of the chloroplast them?

It is a process with many reactions. The process making carbohydrates.

What job do carbohydrates do?

Create starch, when we eat them which our bodie can store and use as energy

Why are carbohydrates needed daily?

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and should be the major part of total daily intake. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple carbohydrates (such as sugar or honey) or complex carbohydrates

Why are grains important?

Grains contain carbohydrates, carbohydrates break down sugars, sugar goes into blood (called blood sugar). Carbohydrates keep your blood sugar at a normal level (unless your diebetic) which keeps you alive. Since grains contain carbohydrates and carbohydrates have a very important job, grains are very important. Grains keep you alive. They are a very important part of your diet.

What is the job of carbohydrates in a cell?

They are everywhere. All cells have some amount of carbohydrates. In liver and muscles, carbohydrate glycogen is stored.

How would not eating enough carbohydrates affect your cells?

If your ATP does not have enough carbohydrates it will not have enough energy to carry energy; its job is to carry energy around.

What is the job of cabohydrates?

Carbohydrates have many jobs. The top two are cell structure, as some cell membranes are made up of carbohydrates, and energy. Glucose, the molecule broken down into the energy needed for all cell processes, is a carbohydrate.