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Radiology job outlook seems good for now, but we can never know what will happen even 5 years from now. The average current salary is about 300,000. However, this is a balance between rural and metro areas. The urban locations may only offer positions near 200,000 and the schedule may not be as good. Some good groups only look for people trained at big institutions or at least have a fellowship under their belt. That means 10 years post-undergraduate training.

Remember, ALL medical professionals spend at least 3 more years training after completion of medical school. So that's 7 years minimum before becoming any kind of doctor that practices medicine. In all honesty, medicine will become a lowly field based on the current politics. I assume it will be dominated by vastly inferiorly trained foreign graduates (only inferior because their training climate is different than the US or advanced Western Europe nations). If you are a pre-medical student, I advise you to steer clear from medicine. Apparently, most Americans feel entitled to spend money on disposable novelty items (ex: Ipods, SUVs, Hannah Montana concerts) versus basic nutrient rich foods, medicines (generic, not pharma TV sponsored ones), and education. Primary care fields gloom will spread to the specialists. Then everyone will regret their 80 hour work weeks with unlimited liability.

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You take xrays and that's it

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