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Q: What is the large body of wtaer that separates Africa from Europe?
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When 2 hydrogen atoms are joined with 2 oxygens atoms wtaer is formed true or false?


Is wtaer considered an element?

No, Water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen, which are elements, but when reacted together: 2H2 + O2 = H20

What are the natural resources of the coral reef?

the natural resources is the ocean front in the middle of the ocean/

Why does coastal regions experience less fluctuation in temperature from day to night than inland regions?

The air near wtaer takes much longer to heat up/cool down then regular water.

Is there a way to clean a swimming pool with light or sound no chemicals?

== Cleaning a pool without chemicals== Actually, scientist have discovered that hen you use a special filtration system with a low percentage salty wtaer, you'll have to clean less our pool, with less chemicals, to have a better water quality. == Cleaning a pool without chemicals== Actually, scientist have discovered that hen you use a special filtration system with a low percentage salty wtaer, you'll have to clean less our pool, with less chemicals, to have a better water quality.

Does conduction also occur in a city?

YES conduction can happen anywhere conduction -the transfer of heat from one object directly to another object so when water vapour transfers energy to the air the kinetic energy of wtaer decreases

Can you use wtaer chestnuts instead of chestnuts for baking?

Water chesnuts are water-based and used in savory dishes, so they would ruin the recipe that you are trying to make. Regular chesnuts are a hearty nut, like an almond or a walnut.

Is sea water compound mixture or element?

Its a miture

What substance should you add to salt water to make it less concentrated?

Add More Salt to make it more concentrated and add more wtaer to make it less concentrated

Where is chemical weathering most common?

The primary agent of chemical weathering is water.

Why is the small intestine so much longer then the large intestine?

The large intestine isn't "smaller" than the small intestine -- it's shorter. Digestion takes place in the small intestine therefore more surface area is needed for nutrient absorption. The primary role of the large intestine is to absorb water along with a few nutrients and to form and transport stool.

To drink 87 oz of water How much is that?

87 ounces is about 11 glasses, considering most glasses are around 8 or so ounces. This also applies to bottled drinks, as many water bottles come in either 8 or 16 fluid ounce bottles. Some of this wtaer can come from other foods high in water, like certain fruits and vegetables (Like grapefruit or lettuce.)