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The policy is "don't, ask don't tell." The policy is generally regarded to be a failure, and the Department of Defense is working towards changing it. At the present time, however, if you are a gay or lesbian person in the armed forces and a superior officer finds out, you will be discharged. (Whether you get a Good Conduct or General discharge will be a "command-level" decision.)

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Q: What is the law by having a gay and lesbians in the armed forces?
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They ARE permitted to serve in the armed forces.

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Gay men do not dislike lesbians.

Why are lesbians more attractive?

They are not. This line of thinking is a result of straight men fetishizing gay women because they prefer not having men in porn, for fear of accidentally seeing/being turned on by a penis and, god forbid, having a Gay Moment of their own. Telling people that lesbians are more attractive than straight women is a good way to make lesbians think you're a creep.

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No that does not make you gay if u think lesbians are attracktive.I personaly like lesbians but i am not gay...

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Gay men and lesbians are sexually attracted to or participate in sexual behaviors with individuals of the same gender.

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I think most lesbians would agree that we WISH there was proof of Marilyn Monroe having a "gay experience" but sadly, there's no evidence or proof.

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Does the U.S. Army actually seek out gay or bisexual soldiers or do they have to try to expose themselves to get discharged?

I believe that the solider has to expose himself to get discharged The law states that people of any sexuality can serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, but that gay people cannopt have gay sex or reveal that they're gay whilst serving. Having said that, there are several cases of army officers actively trying to find out someone's sexuality and discharging them from the Forces.

Are lesbians legal in the UK?

Yes. Gay, lesbians, trans etc is all legal to be in the UK.

Can gay men and women serve openly in the armed forces of the United Kingdom?

Yes they can! This has been allowed since 2000 and has caused no problems despite expectations to the contrary. Until its policy changed, the British military had deep misgivings about allowing homosexuals to serve openly in its armed forces. But it had no choice. It was forced to by a European court, which ruled that its policy of excluding homosexuals violated the European Convention on Human Rights. The British military actively recruits gay men and lesbians and punishes any instance of intolerance or bullying. The Royal Navy advertises for recruits in gay magazines and has allowed gay sailors to hold civil partnership ceremonies on board ships and, in summer of 2006, to march in full naval uniform at a gay pride rally in London.

Is it gay for a boy to like lesbians?

No, it is only gay for a boy to be sexually attracted to other boys.

Why don't people like gay or lesbians?

because they are homophobic