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The Reformation was a 16th-century religious and political movement that led to the establishment of Protestantism. Protestantism is a branch of Christianity that protested against the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, leading to the formation of various Protestant denominations. The Reformation was sparked by figures like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli, who challenged the authority of the Catholic Church and promoted beliefs such as salvation through faith alone and the priesthood of all believers.

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Q: What is the link between the reformation and protestanism?
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What is the name of the effort by the Catholic Church to defeat Protestanism?

The counter reformation

What did The Protestant Reformation do?

The protestant reformation is the name of the religious reform movement that divided the Roman Catholic Church.

When was protestanism made and by who?

Early 16th Century. It began with a German monk named Martin Luther, but it was the end result of the Protestant Reformation as a whole.

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reformation is reformation and protestant is protestant.

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A reformation is a violent overthrow of the government, and a reformation is where the government changes peacefully.

Where did protestanism begin?

In what is now known as Germany.

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Catholicism and Protestanism were main and Anglicanism began as an 'interweaving' of these two. See related link below:

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John Calvin

What were 2 differences and 2 similarities between the reformation and the counter-reformation?

Two differences between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation are their goals: the Reformation aimed to reform the Catholic Church and break away from it, while the Counter-Reformation sought to reform the Catholic Church from within. Similarly, the Reformation focused on individual interpretation of scripture, while the Counter-Reformation emphasized the authority of the Pope and Church teachings. One similarity is that both movements led to significant changes in the practice and theology of Christianity. Another similarity is that both the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation spurred intellectual and cultural developments in Europe.

How can religious practices be changed?

To answer this look at the hitory of the "reformation". (see related link below).

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Did Martin Luther criticize to the roman catholic church?

Yes he did, he was the starter of Protestanism.