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The Fertile Crescent, formed by Mesopotamia, the Levant and the Nile valley.

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Q: What is the lush region that formed a great arc from the eastern shore of the mediterranean sea?
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What lush region that formed a great arc from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf?

The so called 'fertile crescent'

What is the lush region that formed a great arc from the eastern shore of the mediterranean sea to Persian gulf?

The lush region that forms a great arc from the Nile River to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf is the Fertile Crescent. It was largely responsible for the area's status as the 'cradle of civilization.'

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The region under his control in the Eastern Mediterranean was given a veneer of Greek culture and civilisation. This affected only the upper classes - the rest went on with their normal culture.

What is the lush region that formed a great arc from the eastern shore of the mediteranean sea to the Persian gulf?

That is the fertile crescent

The lush region that formed a great arc from the eastern shore of the mederterranean sea to the persion gulf?


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What is a huge arc of land that extends from Eastern end of the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf?

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The Phoenicians were a Semitic people who settled in the Levant (eastern Mediterranean coast). They became great traders, and as their civilisation developed, invented the alphabet which formed the basis of Greek, Roman and today's alphabetical writings.

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