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The government cannot dictate what religion is practiced by its people

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Q: What is the main idea behind the separation of church and state?
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Which colony implemented the idea of separation of church and state was?

rhode island

What is the main idea behind the segregation of church and state?

The main idea behind the segregation of church and state is to ensure that religious institutions do not have direct influence or control over government affairs, and vice versa. This separation helps to protect individual freedoms, prevent religious discrimination, and maintain a fair and impartial government that represents all citizens, regardless of their beliefs.

What does Mitt Romney mean when he says that separation of church and state has been taken too far and is this saying that he is for or against the idea and why?

I'm not aware that he has specified what he means, but it is the opinion of many religious conservatives that the separation of church and state has started going too far in that the state is interfering in the rights of the church.

Which was most influential in making the idea of separation of church and state a part of the US political tradition?

diversity in the new nation's population

The idea of keeping government out of religion is known as the .?

This is a concept known as "separation of church and state." This was a big issue in the civil war and today it still is.

Which colony established the precedent for the separation of church and state?

This idea was in the English Bill of Rights after King James II was overthrown.

Do you agree in the separation of the church and state of the Philippines?

The state (or country) should always stay out of the affairs of the church. The church should be free from any restrictions from the state since the head is Christ Himself. This doesn't mean that the church is above the law. The church should obey the law unless the law requires disobedience to God, at which point the church should disobey the law in order to obey God. Any idea of "Separation of Church and State" should be for the church's protection from the state, otherwise the result will be to "kick God out" of the country so to speak and that is never a good thing!

How did the two church's differ in their views on church-state relations?

They didn't

If the USA adheres to separation of Church and State should those Religious denominations who meddles with the Government function be required to pay taxes?

"separation of church and state" is not a constitutional principle, that's an idea from groups such as the ACLU. The framers of the constitution wanted to prevent a State sponsored church, such as the Church of England. What SHOULD be the problem with a religious group joining together to promote their goals? It certainly seems to be acceptable for Athiests, unions, baby killers and any other group of like-minded people."The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state.." what's the answer? will they be required to pay Taxes or no?

Why was the Concordat of Worms Important?

It brought an end to the Investiture Controversy and recognized the right of the Church to appoint its own bishops. It was an important step toward the idea of separation of Church and State, and was an blow to the belief in the divine right of kings.

What are two reforms that Juarez called for to make Mexico a stronger nation?

Giving Mexican land to the Catholic church: (Mexico was getting smaller and smaller, and they wanted to keep land)Separation of the church and state: I have no idea. I'll find out later.

Why did Jefferson want to change for religions church freedom?

Jefferson is often cited as the author of the modern idea of "separation of church and state". Today the phrase is used to inhibit religious practices in any venue that might be considered to be under the supervision of direct government. In fact, Jefferson was advocating for the right of free religious expression without interference from government. His "wall of separation between church and state' was meant to protect the church from government encroachment, not to put up barriers to the free practice of religion.