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Q: What is the main use of HEAD command?
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The command to make a player head that resembles another player requires the /give command. This command gives you the head portion of the skin and not the hat portion. The command is /give @p 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:PlayerName}.* * Substitute PlayerName with the user name you would like to have the head of.

What option would allow the head command to display the last 5 lines in a file in Linux?

The 'head' command can only deal with the start of the file, not the end. If you want X number of lines at the end of the file then use the 'tail' command. tail -5 filename will list the last 5 lines of the contents of filename.

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this command allows the turtle to turn its head in any direction

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commands after the main command, usually preceded by a "-" and abbreviated that instruct the command on how to behave.

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How do you initiate the main method in java?

By calling the class that contains it. To test it in your IDE, use the "run" command on this file. To run it independently (once it is compiled), if your class is called MyClass, run the following command from a command window:java MyClassWhen you run a class, the Java Virtual Machine will automatically look for a method called main(), and run it.

Which command is used to display the first four line in unix?

Use the following command: head -4 filename Note: this only works on line terminated (newline) text files. The 'filename' can be any file.

To move to the root directory use the command?

For Unix/Linux, use the command 'cd /' For Windows, you can also use the same command or 'cd \'