

What is the maximum distance between nodes?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: What is the maximum distance between nodes?
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The node is the part of the stem of the plant from which leaves, branches, and aerial roots emerge. There are many nodes on a plant stem. The distance between each node is called the inter node.

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The maximum distance is called its peak. The distance between the wave's positive and negative peaks is its amplitude.

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In a room, the maximum distance between duplex outlets is usually 12 feet. Too much distance between outlets can make it difficult to plug in all of the necessary electrical devices in a room.

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I'm sure that this question means altitude. Altitude is vertical distance between the maximum or minimum of the ocean wave (or any wave) and halfway between the minimum and maximum. Half the vertical distance between the minimum and maximum of the wave.

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A node is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude. The opposite of a node is an antinode, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum. These occur midway between the nodes.

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