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Q: What is the maximum sentence in Virginia for using a gun in the commission of a felony?
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What is the penalty for 7 felony charges in Virginia?

The maximum you could get would be the maximum set by statute for each one of the seven separate felony offenses.

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What is the maximum sentence for felony theft in the third degree in Ohio?

1 to 5 years

What is the maximum sentence for felony gun charge?

Up to and including Life depending on the specifics of the case.

What is a Class CL3 felony in the state of Arizona?

In Arizona a class 3 dangerous felony can have a maximum sentence of up to 15 years with no prior record. A dangerous class 3 felony is not eligible for probation.

What is a class 4 felony in Ohio?

A class 4 felony in Ohio is usually related to a violent or sexual assault. A class 4 felony usually gives the perpetrator the maximum fines and imprisonment sentence.

How many maximum years can you get for felony?

It depends on the felony

What is a Class 2 felony charge how serious is it?

In Virginia, a Class 2 felony is one that is considered very serious and can receive a sentence of up to 20 years to life. An example of a class 2 felony is killing someone.

Is there a class you felony in Virginia for driving with no liscenes?

Driving without a drivers permit in Virginia is NOT a felony.

What is the penalty in Missouri for vehicular manslaughter?

Vehicular Manslaughter in Missouri is a Class B felony. A Class B felony is punishable with a minimum sentence of 5 years & a maximum of 15 years.

What is the maximum sentence for possession of marijuana attempt a class 6 felony?

12 to 16 years and 3 years of probationgood luck