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  1. A list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, usually printed as an appendix.
A list of the books of a specific author or publisher, or on a specific subject.
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Q: What is the meaning of bibliography?
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What is the meaning of preliminary bibliography?

a bibliography that does not have annotations

What is the stem of the word bibliography?

Bibliography originally comes from the Greek 'biblion' meaning 'book' and 'graphia' meaning 'writing'.

Words that have the prefix biblio meaning book?


What is the meaning of biglograph?

I don't think biglograph is a word. If you're asking about bibliography, a bibliography is a list of publications which are associated with a particular topic or person.

What is the meaning of the greek word biblion?

biblion - book, Bibliography bella rules

What is meaning of bibliography?

Bibliography is a noun meaning a list of books and articles consulted, appearing at the end of a book or other text; a list of books and articles on a subject; a list of the books and articles written by a specific author or issued by a specific publisher. Example sentence: Based on this bibliography, you only consulted pop magazines for you report.

What is the root word bibliography?

This is a compound of two greek words; biblos (meaning book) and grapho (meaning to write), so literally just 'written book' Hope that's helpful

What is the Greek root word for Bibliography?

This is a compound of two greek words; biblos (meaning book) and grapho (meaning to write), so literally just 'written book' Hope that's helpful

What is the meaning of short bio?

It means bibliography. Witch means it tells about your self or someone else. Like is your learning about a famous person like Ella Fitzgerald. And there is a book all about her. that's a bibliography .

What is the meaning of internet reference?

An internet reference is a citation of an online source in a bibliography. It often takes the form of a URL.

What is the meaning of bioliography?

It is important to know the definition of words, if they are going to be used. Bibliography is a list of the books referred to in a school work.

What is the bibliography of the piano?

There is no "bibliography" of piano. Bibliography is the works cited of a resource page.