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It means that the possibility is considered that Earth's gravity (for example) would push such antimatter up, instead of down; thus, an object made of antimatter, if initially at rest, would move away from Earth, faster and faster. This is a possibility that is being considered; it doesn't seem very likely, though.

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Q: What is the meaning of fall up alike Does antimatter fall up?
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Would an antimatter apple fall up?

No, and antimatter apple would not fall up. It still applies to the same laws of physics, but the only variation is is when it makes connection with it's opposite charge, then the antimatter annihilates both itself and the particles that I connected to.

Can antimatter really blow up whole cities?

yes, antimatter can blow up whole cities. it only takes the amount of a grain of sugar to blow up an entire city the size of New York City.

What is a thing that's not made up of matter?

antimatter and dark matter

Does All objects are made up of molecules?

no, everything that we can interact with is matter. antimatter completely demolishes itself if it comes into contact with its matter counterpart. the matter and antimatter together makes up the M (mass) of the E=MC squared equation. dark matter, which just passes right through matter and antimatter, which we call WIMPs, (Weakly Interacting Mass Particles or something. i forgot exactly)

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It could have many meaning, up to where do you use "fall" in English. It can be "düşmek, yıkılmak, sonbahar, yağmak, devrilmek" etc.

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In the early universe, matter and antimatter were created in equal amounts. As the universe cooled and expanded, there was a slight imbalance in favor of matter over antimatter. This allowed the matter to survive and form the structures we see today, while most of the antimatter annihilated with matter, resulting in the predominance of matter in the universe.

Why is still antimatter in the universe if it was defeated by the matter in the big bang?

Our current understanding says that matter-antimatter pairs can be produced by a sufficiently strong energy field, and further says that this is happening all the time. Normally these particles quickly meet up and annihilate each other, but under certain conditions this might not happen, which would leave free antimatter particles running around.

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They are alike because they are both the same and they made up the same thing.

What is the existence of antimatter?

Previous answer "The existence of antimatter is just a lower less advanced form of dark matter" this is completely wrong, Antimatter is quite the opposite of 'normal' matter. It is made up of positrons that orbit around the nucleus in shells and have a positive charge. Anti-proton (a proton with a negative charge) and neutrons stay the same as they have no charge and are in fact neutral. dark matter is simply matter that doesn't give out light

What does 'Fall off the wagon' mean?

It is an idiom meaning that someone who had stopped drinking alcohol has slipped up and started drinking again.

What did Star Trek's enterprise use for fuel?

Matter and antimatter were the source of warp travel. But they used dilithium to power the ship and everything on it, including the warp engine. Otherwise there'd be a core breach because the containment fields for the matter and antimatter chambers would fail and blow up the ship.

When Daylight savings fall back happens would you be late or early the next day?

fall back, meaning the time change that occurs in the fall? You would be Early.