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Q: What is the meaning of tiger in vietnamese culture?
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Zhongqiu is the mid-autumn festival in Chinese and Vietnamese culture.

What is vietnamese culture?

During the war, their economy seemed to be based on agriculture.

What does the name Tra My mean in vietnamese?

Tra my is just a name in vietnamese. If you had symbols on the name, it might have a meaning but not all names have a meaning. For example, if your name was trà my, the trà means tea but the my part has no meaning that I know of. My vietnamese name doesn't have a meaning. It's simply a name I was given at birth.

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Panthers are not a natural wild animal in Japan so it never became part of Japan's culture like other animals. However it's cousin the tiger is used as a symbol of power and beauty in Japanese culture.

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The last name Vo is of Vietnamese origin and is a common surname in Vietnam. It is believed to have derived from the Chinese surname Huo.

What is the meaning of the Vietnamese name vu?

it means Happiness.

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Buying Japanese cars.

What is the meaning of mystical tiger?

a tiger thats mystical