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Q: What is the medical billing code for ear infection?
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What is the medical billing code for the unlisted surgery procedur for the inner ear?

CPT code 69949 (Unlisted procedure, inner ear)

What is the medical billing code for a small pea in the ear from the ICD9CM?

the code for foreign body present in auditory canal is 931

What is the medical billing code 94760 used for?

94760 is the code for non invasive ear or pulse oximetry for oxygen saturation. For further information see the related link.

What is the ICD-9 code for ear infections?

In lay persons' terms, "ear infection" usually means otitis media. It will be difficult for you to find codes if you don't have more specific medical terminology to use. An ear infection code could be based on 380, 381, or 382 depending on the location.

What is ottis?

If you mean "otitis", the medical term refers to an inner ear infection.

What is the medical term meaning an infection of the external auditory canal?

Otitis externa is the medical term for an infection of the external auditory canal, also known as swimmer's ear. Symptoms can include pain, itching, and redness of the ear canal. Treatment typically involves antibiotic ear drops.

Does a babies ear infection heal on its own?

Some do and some don't. Get a qualified medical opinion about the specific infection in the specific baby.

What are ears infections?

An ear infection is when you get an infection in your ear.

Can you use ketoconazole cream inside your ear for ear fungal infection?

Can you use ketoconazole cream inside your ear for ear fungal infection?

How do you take care of earaches?

Earaches may be caused by problems in the Ear or referred pain from the throat. The most common causes are infection, wax, foreign bodies, tonsillitis leading to middle ear infection which can cause perforation of the ear drum. Medical check up by your local doctor is recommended

Term that means middle ear infection?

Otitis media is the medical term for middle ear infection. It is a common condition, particularly in children, and can cause symptoms like ear pain, fever, and hearing difficulties. Treatment usually involves antibiotics and pain management.

How is an ear prone to infection?

when water is your ear