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I am 42 and was tested and told i have adhd and a learning disability in 2001. I wasn't sure how to feel or what this meant for me. I felt angry that my whole life i struggled with school, work,family,my husband and kids. and now you tell me . So being the stubborn person I learned to be I didn't ask, tell, or treat this thing they called adhd. The learning part I learned to hide it.

I am older now and this is effecting every part of my life. So I decided to get on meds, adderal. I will tell you it does help me think clearer, but doesn't stop the body and pressure i feel in my head.and then i hyperfocus on what ever comes in my head it usally is let down in life, hurt,frustration and feeling like i need to go so my family doesn't suffer anymore. so i started looking up adhd. only to find out there isn't much for adults. my husband can't deal with it and doesn't no what to say or not to say to me so he needed help so he started looking up things. there is a group called CHADD that meets and has speakers,if your married they can come and they help you both deal with issuse that come up in marriage and how to cope withadhd. the other sites are I hope these help you, I am looking into phycotherapy they help you with the tools you need to manage and help build your self esstem again. As he found sites that deal with adults i have realised it gets worse with menapause and meds needs to be adjusted. There are alot of books out there on adult adhd. some are saying and teaching you how to see this as a gift, and list all the successful people that have adhd. All the information is overwelming and seems to confuse me and overwhelm me.So take it slow. I can and do share your hurt,frustration and fear. but it is important that we pull are selfs up and get help for are selfs. we don't have a problem helping is very hard when we can't help are self because it feeds the i am worthless, stupid. different,and no one understands us and pulls us deeper in. i am going through that right now, i see all the help but seem to be overwhelmed with it all.just be your self, don't try to be anything more. i have put on societies face to long worrying how people would respond. I don't care anymore what, how and if i need to take care of me and you should do the same thing.your worth it, and some day we can laugh about it.and feel free . i hope i helped you with information as well as sharing a little of what my life is.keep in touch and let me no how your doing.

be your self , live, laugh,and cry when needed, Karen

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6y ago

ADD Medications

Psychostimulant medications, including methylphenidate (Ritalin�) and amphetamines (Dexedrine�, Dextrostat�, and Adderall�), are by far the most widely researched and commonly prescribed treatments for ADHD. Several short-term studies have proven the safety and effectiveness of stimulants and psychosocial treatments for helping the symptoms of ADHD. Again, NIMH research has found that the two most effective treatment methods for elementary school children with ADHD are a closely monitored medication treatment and a treatment that combines medication with intensive behavioral interventions. In the MTA study, which included nearly 600 elementary school children across multiple sites, nine out of ten children greatly improved on one of these treatments.

Strattera, a non-stimulant medication unrelated to antidepressants is a safe alternative for parents who do not want to place their children on drugs which can potentially cause addiction. Strattera is not a controlled substance, therefore, the FDA has determined there is no risk of addiction. It may be used first-line in these scenarios, but other medications should be used if no results are seen within 8-12 weeks. Allow at least 4 weeks of therapy before evaluating whether the medication is working.

Antidepressant medications also may be used as a second line of treatments for children who show poor response to stimulants, who have unacceptable side effects, or who have other conditions with ADHD (such as tics, anxiety, or mood disorders). Clinical studies have shown that these drugs are effective in 60-70% of children with ADHD. While the medications were extremely helpful to most children, MTA study results show that medications alone may not be the best way to treat many children. For example, children who had other problems (e.g., anxiety, stressful home circumstances, lack of social skills, etc.), over and above the ADHD symptoms, seemed to benefit most from the combined treatment.

Careful medication management is important in treating a child with ADHD. The doctor is likely to begin with a low dose to test the child's response. For methylphenidate (Ritalin�), the usual dosage range is 5 to 20 mg given two to three times a day. The dose for amphetamines (Dexedrine� and Dextrostat� and Adderall�) is one-half the methylphenidate dose. Dosage requirements do not always correlate with weight, age or severity of symptoms in an individual patient. Some doctors prescribe a combination of medications. Dosages may need to be increased during childhood with increased lean body weight and decreases may be necessary after puberty. Different doctors use these medications in slightly different ways, and different children may respond differently to each medication.

The expected duration of treatment has increased during this past decade as evidence has grown that shows benefits extend into adolescence and adulthood. However, many factors make it hard for adolescents to continue using medications: once on medication, adolescents see their most obvious symptoms controlled, and think they don't need to take it regularly. The medications' short-lasting effects make it necessary to take them several times per day, although there are newer long-term medications now being offered. Parents often get frustrated with the limited results or side effects of the medication, and discontinue its use.

Here is more information from WikiAnswers contributors:

  • I have heard and experienced Wellbutrin as a effective means to cure A.D.D. I tried it 12 years ago for a short time but I couldn't sleep with it so I stopped it being much younger and having a addiction to ritalin I wanted my Ritalin back but the doctor said it made me to manicky. Now,12 years later I'm on Adderall but my doctor said if you want to grow old gracefully she would advise me to get off the Adderall so I've reduced it to 25mgs. from 30mgs. and try Wellbutrin again but a few years ago about 3yrs. I tried Wellbutrin again and at that time it didn't work. I would like to get off Adderall and get on something that isn't habit forming such as Wellbutrin.
  • Psychiatric drugs are poisonous. ADD drugs can stunt growth or cause depression or OCD. Some children have even died from this stuff, and it isn't worth risking that just to get better behavior or to get your child to pay better attention. For more information try these sites: Ritalin Death, Drug Awareness. Two other sites are sntp and prozactruth, but I don't know if they are .org or .com.
  • I was in second grade when my mom had me tested for ADD/ADHDzperiodz i am now a 19 year old college student. From the time I was in 2nd grade until about a year and a half ago I was taking Ritalin. To some people they may think it is a bad drug or poison but to me I never would have been able to finish school and be where I am today. The only thing about the Ritalin was that i had to take it 3x a day. As I grew older it was becoming harder to remember to take. Thats why for the past year and a half i have been taking what is called Concerta. The only difference between them are with Concerta you only take 1x a day. I personally have only one side effect which is an increased appetite. But to those of you who are not sure to medicate your child or not please take my advice to heart. Like I said I would not be where i am today if it weren't for my mother taking that next step to put me on meds.
  • Many different meds are used. When I was diagnosed with ADHD I wasn't tested at all my grades were looked at and my teacher and parents were talked to about my behaviors and then I was simply put on Ritalin. I took ritalin until the 7th grade at that time I decided that I wanted to try to overcome my disorder without the use of drugs. Two of the many reasons was it was so hard to remember to actually take the pills and since I took 1 during school everyday my classmates found out and i was tormented and teased because i was different. I went into a depression when this occurred starting in fifth grade but I cant blame that completely on the pills. Besides being tormented my parents were also going through a divorce at that time. After I was off the pills for a while I was doing all right but as went to 8th grade we decided that i wasnt ready to deal with this on my own without meds. But instead of putting me back onto ritalin we decided to try a relativly new drug at the time: Concerta. I was on Concerta for about a year and a half until i decided once again to handle this with the use of meds. Its now been a year since I made that choice and I dont regret it. I am now a sophomore in high school and am mainly a B student with a few grades higher and very little lower than that. I am still disorganized and sometimes I dont focus well but I am succeding in overcoming that day by day. I now can lead a normal teenage life without meds than i could when i was on meds. My method may not be for every child though. Every child's case of ADD/ADHD is different in some way. Some may need meds where others may find that meds cause more trouble than good. Some children may be diagnosed with this disorder not because they have it but because they are just being kids. If you think your child may be one those who have been wrongly diagnosed please do them a favor by getting a 2nd opinion from another Dr. about the Diagnosis. A wrong diagnosis combined with unneeded meds could produce disasterous results. Find out before its too late.
  • I stumbled upon this article when searching for answers regarding my own child. she takes Children's DHA (fish oil) and she has improved 100%. Read about all the benefits of Omega 3 here:
  • ADD is not a disease, thus no one drug works on all people. Schedule II drugs are most often prescribed. Children start with a Central Nervous System stimulant, which actually has a calming effect. Ritalin is the 4-hour form, and Concerta is the 12-hour form.

These drugs only help the person focus, after they have used self-motivation & self-discipline, and purposefully started to focus.

Adults have normally dealt with untreated ADD symptoms, lifelong. Therefore, many have been depressed for most of their life.

Adults will start with an antidepressant, such as Wellbutrin. Thereafter, treatment with Concerta may be introduced.

Nutritional supplements which may work included Pedi-active, which contains DMAE. It too temporarily aids focus, and is available in a grape-flavored, chewable tablet. Normally, it works for about one month. Then the body develops a tolerance to it, and it stops working.

Overall, ADD coaching will help with most of the symptoms. There are several good books. has a good selection, and often lets you read a few pages of the book, online.

Parents, friends, spouses can help with coaching... you don't need a professional, necessarily. Coaching can change some of life's behaviors.

However, the root problem soon becomes apparent: Inability to maintain focus.

Often, adults that do not get treatment tend to self-medicate, unless they find an occupation which fits their mindset.

Such jobs may include Computer Operator or Entrepreneur. The job needs to be long on quick decisions & movement, short on paperwork, sitting, and reading technical manuals.

An ADD individual is likely to get an 'A' in Chemistry Lab, but an 'F' in Chemistry Lecture.

They are often above average intelligence, which is important since many times, they perform with little or no preparation.

Children can get into young adulthood, before ADD/ADHD problems adversely affect their lives, overall. If medication is perceived to be required, then it will bar that person from eligiblity for military service.

Some communities attach a negative stigma to medication, or psychological counseling. Other communities consider someone who has never had therapy to be the odd one.

Whether to medicate may be a social choice, as well.

(I played football in high school, served honorably the USMC, graduated with a BSBA, and only realized I had ADD at 43, due to "inattention to detail" complaints from my supervisor. Only after 5-months of 'self-discipline' failed did I seek other possibilities. Wellbutrin was a good start, Concerta adds focus, but motivation to study, and discipline to open the book must come from my own resolve.)

  • Concerta sort of looks like a capsule. However, it is a Capsule with a pin-hole on one end. It is coated with tablet material, dissolves immediately to give your first bursts of medication. After dissolution, the pin-hole is cleared. There are two membranes [thus three chambers] inside.

The chamber nearest the hole has medication that will exit, slowly, for several hours. Then, the medication in the middle chamber will pass through the permeable membrane, into the hole-side chamber, and out the hole. The third chamber, farthest from the hole, is slightly pressurized. It is used to squeeze the medicine out of the other two chambers. The third chamber contents remains inside the capsule, and the undissolved capsule shell is passed out of the body through the stool. This time-release technology allows Concerta to be patented. Ritalin tablets now have generic alternatives. Concerta, due to patents in its delivery, does not have a generic alternative. Without insurance, Concerta costs about $3 per capsule, regardless whether they are 18mg, 36mg, or 54mg. Ask your physician for a manufacturer voucher, if you need to try Concerta. You will get 42 of the 18mg pills. It is intended so you find out if it will work for you, over a 3-week period.

Wellbutrin should be taken before bedtime, since it causes a two-hour drowsy period, two hours after being taken. The medication works for 24-hours. 150mg is the starting dosage, but 300mg is common.

Concerta should be taken at the start of your workday, or the 12-hour period where you plan to be awake, thus need focus (attention to detail).

  • For the Wellbutrin... it has a side effect of insomnia. It for some people should be taken at the start of the day. So you can sleep at night. For some people the cocktail of Wellbutrin and a ADHD medication is prescribed. It's a medication mix that works well for a lot of people, now Adderall is one that is prescribed for ADD and works well with Wellbutrin. Everyone is different though. Tolerence is different. Coaching life skills is another therapy that works well. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Those are all great keys to success with treating ADD.
  • ** For a no drug alternative energy medicine the Australian Bush Flower Essences combinations Cognis (for short attention span and better retention and recall) Calm & Clear Essence for less repetitive actions and overall calmer.

    For behavior problems alternating with the ABFE combination Adol might be useful.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences


  • An Alternate therapy for ADD is Oil of Oregano under the tongue. A holistic physician would be able to offer dosage advice.

The newest and most effective all natural supplement alternative for ADD is ADD-care. ADD-care was involved in a research study at the Amen Clinic comparing the results of ADD-care vs. Adderall in both SPECT brain scans and the Conner's ADD impulse test. ADD-care matched or beat adderall in most of these tests.


"Next Generation" psycho-stimulants The pharmaceutical industry has spent quite a lot on R&D in search of new delivery mechanisms to address convenience by improving on the extended release formulation and reduce the possibility of abuse. Two of these include:

1. Daytrana (methylphenidate trans-dermal patch) - I believe this may be discontinued or if not a "special order" not carried by most pharmacies.

This is interesting as it is a patch (similar to the nicotine patch for quitting smoking) that is applied once in the morning and worn all day.


2. Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine - dextroamphetamine bound to an amino acid which is only released by some digestive system process and therefore cannot be taken by any other route).


Both of these were designed to give a controlled dosage throughout the entire day with a more steady delivery than the older XR (extended release) medications. Personally I found the Daytrana to be unpredictable though admittedly I only used the 2 week free trial before giving up. I had an allergic reaction to the Vyvanse and stopped after two days.

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12y ago

Ritalin, Adderal, and other types of medications are used for ADHD treatment. Also, people say that coffee can actually help treat ADHD becuase it has a backward effect on them. It says that you get calm instead of all hyper and twitchy

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12y ago

Adults with ADD can obtain prescribed medication to help them achieve a normal and healthy lifestyle. A new brand called Synaptol has been in the market and receives great ratings from its users.

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Lvl 2
2y ago

You can compare ADHD drugs and their prices in online pharmacies on the website Gesundheit-Service. com

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mohamed gad

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2y ago

There are many problems that we frequently encounter

But there is a solution

Sure there is a solution

Go to the link in my profile and you will find what makes you happy

Thank you and good luck

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15y ago

there are several such as adderol and stratera. you could probably ask a doctor. there are even new ones coming out lik every month or so. different kinds help different people

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13y ago

Medical treatment can consist of the use of drugs such as Ritalin that are intended to modify over-exuberant behavior, or other drugs that have differing targets of activity.

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Write the decimal number of 112.

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