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Q: What is the most accurate definition of the term Reich?
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Name that Hitler gave his government?

Hitler's regime was officially known as Deutsches Reich (from 1933-1943) and Großdeutsches Reich (from 1943-1945). The term Drittes Reich (Third Reich) was never an official term and only used occasionally by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes.

What is another term for Nazi?

fascist The term Nazi is a contraction of the name of Hitler's political party: National Socialist.

Why was Hitler so obsessed with the Third Reich?

Hitler considered his term as the Third Reich. He was perhaps obsessed with this term due to the possible successes for the First, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Second Reich, the 1871 - 1918 German Empire.

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The definition of the term mese is the name of a tribe. One who uses the term mese may be referring to the location known to most as the Matsya Kingdom.

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There is no widely recognized term or definition for "hotraic." It is possible that it may be a misspelling or a lesser-known term. More context or clarification would be needed to provide a more accurate answer.

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The most usual and accepted definition of the term 'clearer' is to make something less confusing and to reveal more information. The opposite of clearer is vague.

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Because of changes over time the most accurate weather forecasts are short term

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There is no standard definition for the term "multabi." It may be a misspelling or a made-up word without a specific meaning. Can you provide more context or clarify the term for a more accurate answer?

Why was Hitler's reign called the third Reich?

Reich means Realm, or Kingdom, or empire. The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (heiliges Romisches Reich) The second Reich is the term for unified Germany, (before and during world war 1) the Third Reich is NAZI Germany.

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The term flaws is meant to state that there is a deficiency or imperfection within in a object or thing. Another accurate definition is that flaws indicate a defect impairing legal soundness or validity.

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There are three common definitions for the term rector. The term rector is used in reference to politics, academics and also religion. The religious definition is the most commonly known and used definition.

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