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There are many dangerous countries in the world, particularly poor countries or countries considered to be HQs of terrorist groups.But, at least for US citizens, Somalia is the most dangerous country. Any one from the US that wants to go to Somalia must have a mental problem and should be taken immediately to your local hospital for crazy people. There is no US embassy, or any US presence at all, in Somalia, and therefore you will be offered practically no help whatsoever from the US simply because they are not there. The Somalian government is not effective in the extent that it can offer help in the very likely event that you get kidnapped for ransom, or any other violent crime that may occur like carjacking, murder, banditry, etc... If your friend says "No worries man we can just go fishing on the coast" pull out a revolver and shoot that person in the face. He is not your friend. He is most likely a Somalian pirate who wants to lead you to your doom. The international waters around Somalia are among the most dangerous in the world and have had countless pirate attacks. (This includes the Straights of Adan). If there was a US embassy in Somalia, which there isn't, it would ban access to the whole country and would therefore have to leave themselves.

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1mo ago

It is difficult to determine the single most dangerous country as safety can vary greatly depending on the specific location within a country and the context in which the question is asked. Conflict zones such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen are considered highly dangerous due to ongoing violence.

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14y ago

Iraq, Because usually there's a lot of danger there



Somalia has gained notoriety as a modern-day Tortuga thanks to pirates that have captured 42 ships over the past year--but conditions inland remain just as chaotic. Somalia has seen 14 different governments since 1994 and, despite the installation of a new government in February, warlords and fundamentalist militias still rule much of the country.

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Q: What is the most dangerous country?
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What country in the Caribbean is the most dangerous?

Crime rates vary across the Caribbean region, so it's difficult to pinpoint one country as the most dangerous. Countries like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago have higher crime rates compared to others in the region. It's important to research current safety information and exercise caution when traveling to any Caribbean country.

What is the most dangerous city in Australia?

There isn't one single "most dangerous" city in Australia, as crime rates can vary from year to year. However, some cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane tend to have higher rates of certain crimes compared to others. It's important to note that overall, Australia is a relatively safe country to live in.

What is the most dangerous housing project in America?

The Cabrini-Green public housing project in Chicago was once known as one of the most dangerous in America, with high rates of crime and poverty. However, the complex has since been demolished and redeveloped. Today, there are other housing projects across the country that may be considered dangerous, but it can vary depending on factors such as crime rates, poverty levels, and social issues within the community.

What is the crime ranking of Canton Ohio?

In 2021, Canton, Ohio ranked as the 25th most dangerous city in the United States based on FBI crime data. The city has a higher crime rate compared to both the national average and Ohio's average.

What country has the most websites?

The United States has the most websites, with millions of domains registered in the country.

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