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Lithuania, followed closely by Russia and several other Slavic countries.

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Q: What is the most homophobic Country in Europe?
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The most polluted country in Europe is Russia. In fact, Russia is the 3rd most polluting country in the world.

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Is Jamaica the most Homophobic country on earth?

To know that for sure, someone would have to survey every country on the earth; every one. However, Jamaica would not be high on the list. Counties with the death penalty for gay people would be the most homophobic, including: Saudi Arabia Iran Afghanistan Maldives Yemen Sudan Nigeria Uganda Somaliland

What is the most popular country in Europe?

France is the most popular country in Europe with about 80,000,000 tourists annually. France is also the most popular country in the world.

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There is no such thing as the most talented country as every country has their perks.

What is Europe country's currency?

Eurpoe is a continent, not a country. The most widespread currency in Europe is the Euro.

Are most men are homophobic because they worry that they will be placed in a lower status position if they associated with gay men?

No, not necessarily. Homophobes are homophobic for a large variety of reasons. Most of it is fear-based and religion-based.No, not necessarily. Homophobes are homophobic for a large variety of reasons. Most of it is fear-based and religion-based.